
Jing Yuan looked at the three people in front of him, and he was really puzzled.

Long before the Starry Sky Train landed, Ji Zi had exchanged information with the Tianbo Division and passed the information of the people on the Starry Sky Train to Xianzhou Luofu.

Jing Yuan had already investigated the information of each member of the Starry Sky Train.

The scene in front of him was really different from the information he had.

"General Jing Yuan, I am Ji Zi, the navigator of the Starry Sky Train. Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit strange, Ji Zi took the initiative to introduce herself.

"This is March 7"

"This is Walter Yang."

The image of Ji Zi and San Yue Qi is almost the same as Jing Yuan's perception, one is a gentle red-haired sister, and the other is a cute pink-haired sister.

"Hello, Ms. Himeko"

""Hello, Little Sanyue."

But the image of Walter Yang really made Jing Yuan a little bit uncomfortable.

He really couldn't imagine that this Herrscher who once saved a planet was actually a Kun

"You are Mr. Walter Yang...Ahahaha, I've heard a lot about you."

"Hello, General Jingyuan."

Walter wanted to shake hands with Jingyuan, but because of the eggshell, he almost fell over like a tumbler.

Embarrassed, Walter sulked and stopped talking.

At this moment, March 7 burst into tears and hugged Walter's arm, feeling very aggrieved.

"Uncle Yang, it's all my fault, woo woo woo"

"If I hadn't been so playful at that time, you wouldn't be like this now."

Jing Yuan and Yukong and Fu Xuan behind him all frowned slightly.

Yukong said quickly."Girls, did you encounter any problems on the fairy boat?"

"If you need anything, just tell us. We will do our best to help you solve it."

While sobbing, San Yue Qi told Jing Yuan everything that happened in the past few days. Including how they came to the blind box store on Xuanye Street, how they opened the blind box under Lin Ye's various instigations, and how Walter Yang took the egg fruit.

After listening, the usually gentle Jing Yuan was furious.

"Lin Ye, Lin Ye...it’s this Lin Ye again!"

"I really don't want to hear this guy's name now."

It's okay for Lin Ye to attack the people of Xianzhou, but he even doesn't let go of the foreign guests on the Xingkong Train.

It's simply lawless.

Jing Yuan's nickname is the Closed-Eye General because he hates trouble the most. The reason why he can close his eyes and rest every day is because of the prosperity of Luofu Xianzhou.

And Lin Ye's behavior of selling blind boxes in Xianzhou, which has caused all kinds of chaos, is completely because he doesn't want him to sleep well.

"Don't worry, I will seek justice for you and will make Mr. Walter as good as before."

Jing Yuan waved his hand and asked the Cloud Cavalry who were standing guard outside the door to prepare the carriages and horses.

Without further ado, he would go directly to Xuanye Street.

"Miss Ji Zi, the three of you come with me, and I will take you to confront Lin Ye face to face. Seeing that Jing Yuan was about to get up, Fu Xuan quietly walked to Jing Yuan and whispered

"General, you should be careful. I used the jade omen to divine, but I found that I could not predict Lin Ye's future."

"No information about Lin Ye was left on the fairy boat. No one knew where he came from or why he came. This person was really too mysterious!"

"A person who can put so many strange things into a blind box is definitely not an ordinary person."

Fu Xuan's reminders are very reasonable. Jing Yuan also calmed down and nodded.

Before fully understanding all the details of Lin Ye, Jing Yuan will not do too much.

At least he will definitely not use the Cloud Cavalry to take the initiative to embarrass a merchant.

However, Jing Yuan was indeed full of curiosity about the blind boxes sold by Lin Ye.


Xuanye Street.

In the Wanjie Blind Box Store.

Lin Ye was holding a Frostmourne in one hand, gesturing back and forth at the bronze mirror in the room.

"Really handsome"

"It's a pity that I don't know any swordsmanship, so I can only put such a good artifact on display as a figurine."

After Lao Ma opened the blind box, the system directly rebated Lin Ye two Frostmourne.

Unfortunately, the use of Frostmourne requires strength to support it. For Lin Ye, who has never learned any swordsmanship, let alone summoning the Scourge, even normal use is a luxury.

After a long time, Lin Ye took out the"Sword Manual of Exorcism" that he got back, and he was tangled in the spot.

"System, I am very interested in this sword technique, please persuade me."

After a few seconds of silence, the system responded.

"You can learn if you want."

"I want to know if I will really have no penis after learning this."

"You will know if you try it."

Lin Ye sighed, his eyes full of resentment. How can you try this kind of thing casually?

"System, tell me, is there any elixir in your Wanjie Blind Box that can regenerate the body?" Lin Ye suddenly had an idea and said,"If there is, I can accept the pain first."

"It's hard to say, host. And even if there is, the size of the regenerated organs is not easy to control."

Lin Ye was about to criticize the system, but he heard a burst of noise coming from outside the door.

He used the power of the White Eyes to look outside.

The first thing he saw was Ji Zi, San Yue Qi, and Walter Yang walking towards the blind box store.

"My Ji Zi, my Lao Yang, I didn't expect you to come back."

Looking again, Lin Ye clearly saw a burly and handsome figure.

He was wearing gray and black armor, and there was a white lion beside him.

"Damn, my Jing Yuanyuan is here too."

At this time, there were so many people gathered outside the door again, in fact, it was all because of Jing Yuan's appearance.

This is the boss of the Cloud Cavalry Army and the head of Luofu Xianzhou.

Every move he makes, every time he appears, countless Xianzhou people will pay attention to him.

"This... isn't this General Jingyuan!"

"I remember that General Jingyuan would basically never leave his Tiance Mansion, so how come he had time to go to Xuanye Street?"

"He wouldn’t also come to Lin Ye’s blind box store to open a blind box, right?"

"Impossible! Even if Lin Ye's blind box is awesome, General Jing Yuan will not be interested in playing this kind of entertainment project. He is General Tiance and the Envoy of the Star God!"

"Look at the three people behind him, aren't they the first foreigners to come to Lin Ye to open blind boxes? It's not necessarily General Jing Yuan who came to give them justice."

"That makes sense. This time General Jingyuan comes directly. I'm afraid Lin Ye will have a hard time."

These neighbors are watching the fun and gossiping.

But Lin Ye doesn't care about these rumors.

He just pushed open the door and respectfully greeted Jingyuan.

"Hahaha, General Jing Yuan, your arrival really makes our shop shine."

Lin Ye is very smart. For a big guy like Jing Yuanyuan, you must have a good relationship with him.

Once the relationship is good, he will definitely be a stable customer, and can even drive countless people to open boxes.

Treating such a customer with a little courtesy will definitely not be a loss.

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