Jing Liu is not dead. This matter means a lot to Jing Yuan.

Although he did not draw the Dark Dark Fruit, he had such an unexpected gain.

Based on this piece of news alone, Jing Yuan felt that the 4.5 million credit points were worth it.

He had a very bold idea about Jing Liu.

However, he had to go back and have a rigorous discussion with Yukong and Fu Xuan about some specific action plans.

When leaving the blind box store, Jing Yuan actually felt a little unsatisfied.

He couldn't open the blind box anymore, and he felt particularly empty

"Boss, I think you need to change the rules. Only 10 blind boxes a week is too few."Jing Yuan complained

"Hehe, this is the rule set when the store was first established. It cannot be changed. I hope the general will forgive me."Lin Ye said with a smile

"Well, I will come again next week."

Jing Yuan and Walter and others just left the blind box store and were frightened by the huge crowd in front of them.

The Xianzhou people outside once again surrounded Xuanye Street.

"It's strange. When the general left, he was still angry, but how come he came out feeling refreshed?"

"Am I seeing things? General Jingyuan was also opening a blind box here just now?"

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it. This is the sword master of the Cloud Cavalry Army. He is the most powerful man in my heart."

"Don't talk nonsense! How could a person of such high position as General Jing Yuan like to do such things?"

Hearing people talking about him, Jing Yuan immediately put on a majestic posture and coughed twice.

"Ahem, what are you doing gathering so many people in broad daylight?

Several patrolling Cloud Cavalry came over immediately and dispersed the crowd.

At this time, a seven or eight-year-old child stood on his mother's shoulders and shouted at Jing Yuan.

"General, did you just open the blind box?"

"My mother won't let me open a blind box, but if the general also opens a blind box, then I must open it."

Jing Yuan's face flushed slightly, and he coughed twice, and said in a deep voice:"Ahem, the general has been busy recently and a little tired. So I came here to open a few blind boxes and relax."

"You little brat, why are you opening a blind box instead of studying hard? Hurry up and leave."

After saying that, Jing Yuan led a group of people back to Tiance Mansion in a hurry.

But those passers-by who were watching the excitement could not remain calm at this time.

"General Jingyuan actually opened the blind box!"

"Folks, this doesn't make sense. Miss Tingyun didn't let us open the blind box before, but then all the big shots came to open the blind box one after another, and even General Jingyuan fell."

"That’s right, Xianzhou has had so many troubles recently, all because of blind boxes, but everyone still enjoys opening blind boxes. What does this show?"

"This means there are indeed treasures in the blind box, and President Tingyun fooled us!"

"No, this time I’m going to open a blind box even if it costs me all my money!"

"Brothers who want to open blind boxes can create a group, and group purchases can get some discounts."

For a while, the call for opening blind boxes broke out again in the crowd.

If it weren't for the Cloud Cavalry to maintain order, the streets would probably be in chaos again.


After settling Ji Zi and the others, Jing Yuan returned to Tiance Mansion with Fu Xuan and Yu Kong.

Jing Yuan told the two about the method of saving Walter that he learned from Lin Ye, and about his intention to call Jing Liu through the underworld phone.

After Jing Yuan finished speaking, the two fell into deep silence.

There was too much information involved, which was far beyond their expectations.

Whether it was Fu Xuan, who had divined the way of heaven with his Dharma eyes, or Yu Kong, who had traveled to various planets and was knowledgeable, they all felt that the blind box had opened the door to a new world.

"There is no rush for the mirror flow, I still need to think about it carefully. The most urgent task now is to help Walter of the Star Train get out of trouble."

"I have long felt that this Lin Ye is not an ordinary person. Those so-called blind boxes must be the treasures he puts in himself."Yukong shook his fluffy tail and analyzed it carefully."Why don't we just catch this Lin Ye directly?"

"Let the Ten Kings give him some strength. I don't believe he won't hand over the Dark Dark Fruit and the information about the Mirror Flow Sword Head."

Yukong's eyes showed a hint of cunning, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Jing Yuan on the side shook his head helplessly.

"Yukong Siduo, you are going too far. He didn't do anything wrong, but you want to throw him into the Ten Kings Division... This is really unacceptable."

"Moreover, with so many powerful treasures, Lin Ye's strength should not be underestimated. After understanding his background, it is not appropriate to make too big a move."

Yukong Pei curled his lips and continued,"If the general does not want to use this immediate method, he can only encourage everyone to open the blind box. After all, there is strength in numbers."

"The more blind boxes we open, the greater the chance of winning what we want. If others win, we can also exchange with them for other things."

Jing Yuan nodded slightly and said,"Master Siduo, what you said this time makes some sense."

Because of the restriction that a single person can only open ten blind boxes per week, if they want to find the Dark Dark Fruit faster, it is really too slow for just a few of them to open the box.

It is indeed a good idea to mobilize the majority of Xianzhou people to open blind boxes.

"I don't think so!"Fu Xuan, who had been silent all along, suddenly said in a deep voice.

Her small body looked particularly solemn and majestic at this moment, and her aura was extremely powerful.

However, it was not the first time that Fu Xuan raised objections. She had always wanted Jing Yuan to step down and let others take over.

Jing Yuan and Yu Kong had long been accustomed to it.

"What does Fu Taibu think?"

"I think the Xianzhou is a mixed bag, not only the locals, but also many foreign merchants, and it is not so easy to control."

"If they really win the Dark Dark Fruit, but cannot resist the temptation of the treasure and choose to use it themselves or secretly take it out of the fairy boat to sell, what should we do?"

Fu Xuan stared at Jing Yuan and Yu Kong with big eyes.

"In addition, there are still many people of abundance lurking on the Xianzhou at the moment. If they get a very amazing treasure from Lin Ye's blind box, it will also cause trouble for us."

It must be said that what Fu Xuan said is indeed very reasonable. Lin Ye's blind box is full of infinite unknowns, and there is indeed a great risk of causing greater unrest.

For a moment, Jing Yuan and Yu Kong could only nod in agreement.

"Therefore, I suggest that we should strictly control the audience of Linye Blind Box Store, encourage our internal employees to buy blind boxes, and restrict others from buying blind boxes."Fu Xuan said faintly."Especially people outside the Immortal Boat are not allowed to buy blind boxes!"

"I wonder if General Jingyuan and Yukong Siduo think what I said makes sense?"

"Haha, it sounds like what Fu Taibu said does make sense."Jing Yuan nodded."Just do as Taibu said."

Soon, Taibu's office drafted the"Regulations on Blind Box Purchases in Wanjie Blind Box Store".

And posted it in every corner of Xianzhou,( ̄▽ ̄)"

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