It was evening, and Xuanye Street gradually became quiet.

In the blind box store, Lin Ye was counting the gains that Jing Yuan had brought him from opening the blind box.

For Lin Ye, the only valuable thing here was the book"Are Golden Scales Pond-Bound?"

The system was very generous and gave Lin Ye two copies at once.

After flipping through it roughly, Lin Ye breathed a sigh of relief.

"It is indeed a masterpiece. Although the writing is a little immature, the description of the pictures is very vivid."

In Lin Ye's former world, this book,"Are Golden Scales Pond Thing", has been banned worldwide, and there is no source for it.

Now, with the help of the blind box, Lin Ye can read the essence of it, which can be regarded as making up for the regret.

"It’s a pity that the treasures obtained through rebates cannot be shared or traded, otherwise I would definitely show them to my brothers."

"For example, the aloof Old Yang and the simple Old Ma."

After a short rest, Lin Ye looked out the window.

At this time, a group of people were pointing at his store and talking about something.

In the past few days, there were countless neighbors watching outside Lin Ye's store every day, but they just looked and didn't buy, just like they had received professional training.

"System, isn't this strange? Why can't our store become popular?"

"Many big shots have come, even Jing Yuanyuan came to open the boxes, why don’t these people come in to buy?"

"Are you so poor? You can't even afford a box?"

Just then, a man shouted outside the window of the blind box store.

"Lin Ye, hehe, come out and take a look, you have been sealed up by the Taibusi!"

"Taibusi? Seize me? What a joke."

Lin Ye was confused. He didn't believe this at all.

Not to mention that he didn't do anything against the Chamber of Commerce, Taibusi didn't have any freedom to seal him. Even if he was really at fault, it shouldn't be Taibusi who sealed him.

Taibusi is just a bunch of fortune tellers. When did they start doing the work of urban management?

"If you don't believe me, come out and see for yourself."The man continued to look at Lin Ye with gloating.

Want to trick me out?

It's impossible to go out.

As long as I stay in the blind box store, I will be absolutely invincible.

Once I go out, there will be many risks.

Lin Ye directly used his white eyes to observe the movements outside.

Then he saw a notice posted outside his store at first glance.

【About the Blind Box Purchase Rules and Regulations of Wanjie Blind Box Store】

【In view of the recent blind box craze in Xianzhou and the series of unrest caused by blind boxes, for the long-term stability of Xianzhou and the harmonious life of the people of Xianzhou, this company has issued this rule. From today on, Wanjie Blind Box Store has become a key jurisdiction area in Xianzhou and will be managed by six departments.】

"Wang Defa!"

Lin Ye almost vomited blood just by looking at the first one.

His shop was originally managed by Minghuo Chamber of Commerce. Although Tingyun was not easy to deal with, at least she took care of him.

He was inexplicably managed by six departments. How could he have a good life? They were all masters.

The most important thing was that Tingyun used the three-year membership fee paid in advance to open a blind box. Now his shop was not under the management of Tingyun. It was a huge loss.

Lin Ye continued to read on.

【……Before the characteristics of the blind box are fully understood, the entire Xianzhou region will implement a purchase restriction policy.

Internal personnel of the six departments of Xianzhou can freely purchase blind boxes, but the treasures obtained from opening the blind boxes must be reported in a timely manner.

The Xianzhou people outside the six departments will be given purchase rights from time to time, while the outsiders outside the Xianzhou are prohibited from purchasing blind boxes.

If anyone is found to have violated this regulation, he will be arrested by the Yunqi Army and sent to the Ten Kings Division for interrogation!

【Signed: Taibusi Fu Xuan]

Lin Ye seemed to have been struck by a bolt from the blue. Although he was not sealed off, it was obvious that he was restricted from buying.

"What is going on?"

Thinking carefully, Lin Ye realized that this regulation was full of unreasonable places.

If there is really a purchase restriction, why do we have to make so many distinctions? Why not just ban all purchases?

It is obvious that this is encouraging people in the six departments to buy.

In fact, from another perspective, this approach will not affect Lin Ye's business.

Because the main wealth of Xianzhou is concentrated in the six departments, even if ordinary people want to buy, they may not have so much money.

After a little calculation, Lin Ye suddenly showed a strange smile on his face.

"I understand, they want to monopolize, and their purpose is probably to accurately obtain a certain treasure."

Lin Ye glanced at the last signature again.

"Fu Xuan Taibu actually drafted it himself."

The cute little figure of Fu Xuan immediately appeared in his mind, and a perverted smile appeared on his face.

"Hehehe, it seems that this woman is interested in me."


On the other side, outside the gambling house,

Qingque was brought out by Fu Xuan by the ear.

In the previous round, she was about to win the big four + the same color + four bars + four hidden knives, plus a flower on the bar.

As a result, Master Fu Xuan arrived.

"Ouch, it hurts, please spare me, Master Bu."

Qingque was still very afraid of his immediate superior. After all, everyone in Xianzhou knew that Master Bu was small in stature but extremely capable.

Fu Xuan puffed his lips and said coldly."You haven't been to work for several days. What crime should you be punished for?"

"Ah... hehehe, I... I still have annual leave, right?"

Looking at Qingque's playful smile, Fu Xuan sighed.

"Come with me to the Wanjie Blind Box Store"

"Blind box store?"Qingque's eyes widened."Are you going to open a blind box store too?"

In Qingque's eyes, a big man like Fu Xuan, who is so aloof, would not like things that little girls like.

After all, she is a woman who is determined to be the top leader of the Immortal Boat.

Opening a blind box is too cheap.

"Can't I open it?" Fu Xuan asked coldly.

"That's fine, but I don't understand it."Qingque asked in confusion."I heard people say that the purchase restriction order for blind boxes was proposed by adults, but you are the first person to want a blind box. This is a bit...……"

"Humph~ This blind box is full of variables. If Yukong and the others get the first chance and get the treasure, there will be many obstacles on my road to promotion."

Fu Xuan showed a deep smile on his face.

"So we have to strike first."

Qingque nodded, not quite understanding.

As a veteran slacker, she couldn't fully understand Fu Xuan's ambition.

"But sir, you can open the blind box by yourself, why do you have to drag me?"

Fu Xuan shook his head, then took out a small jade stone from behind and handed it to Qingque.

Qingque was very familiar with this thing. It was a special Qiongguan stone made by Taibusi. There was also a purple eye on the stone to observe all the movements in the outside world.

It can be understood as a pinhole camera in the Starry Sky World.


"When I open the blind box later, you can secretly put this thing in the blind box store while I am not paying attention."

"I will always observe all the movements of this Lin Ye~" Fu Xuan said with a smile.

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