Lin Ye quickly took a look at the detailed introduction given by the system

【Psychic Devil Fruit: Transparent Fruit: A magical fruit from a sea world. The eater can make the body transparent. It is the Devil Fruit that countless men dream of. However, one thing to note is that the transparent fruit can only make the user invisible under ordinary light. It is unknown whether it can maintain invisibility under X-rays or other radiation.】

"Unfortunately, it's not the Dark-Dark Fruit." Lin Ye explained.

Fu Xuan's face darkened and he sighed unconsciously."I didn't expect that my divination still had some deviations."

Because he didn't understand the Devil Fruit itself, in Fu Xuan's cognition, as long as it was not the Dark-Dark Fruit, it was useless.

"Don't be discouraged, Master Taibu. Although this fruit is not the Dark-Dark Fruit, its power is no less than that of the Dark-Dark Fruit."

"After eating this fruit, the body can enter a transparent state at any time. This function is very practical in many cases."

"For example……"

Lin Ye showed a devilish expression. He wanted to say, for example, when he sneaked into the women's bathhouse.

But he didn't dare to say it out loud.

" Transparent? In my opinion, the function of this fruit is to facilitate people to steal. Do you think I can use it?"

Lin Ye was not in a hurry to answer, but just laughed.

If we only talk about improving combat power, the transparent fruit can be said to be useless. It is a functional prop.

But this transparent feature is the dream of countless men.

If Jing Yuan or Walter Yang draws this fruit, they will definitely wake up laughing in their dreams at night.

It's a pity that this devil fruit, which is hailed as the gospel of men, is taken by a woman.

And it's not that kind of dirty girl.

This is indeed a bit of a waste of God's gift.

"Hehe, it is your right to use it or not. Buy it and leave it. Now this devil fruit belongs to you."

"But I personally suggest that if you really don't need it, you can give the fruit to others. I believe many people will be happy to accept it."

Lin Ye explained without leaking a single drop of water.

Neither of them noticed the infatuated expression on Qingque's face.

""Master Taibu, if you don't need it, give it to me."

Qingque felt that this thing was really suitable for him. It was a great tool for slacking off at work.

Wouldn't it be great to use such a function when he was late or left early?

Then the next second, Qingque felt that his head was hit hard and a big bump appeared.

"Ouch, what are you doing?(╥﹏╥)o"

Fu Xuan raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said with a smile:"Don’t think I don’t know what’s in your mind?"

"I can give it to everyone else in Taipusi, but not to you."

"This is so that you can work well in the future~"

Qingque looked at Fu Xuan with resentment, and pursed his lips and said nothing.

Fu Xuan's eyes fell on the last four blind boxes.

Snap! Snap! Snap!

Three golden lights appeared.

Fu Xuan opened the blind box and only the last one was left.

【Black plum X1】

【Super Thai Spicy Instant Noodles X1】

【Rat brand special duck neck X1】

【Black plum: a special delicacy from a mysterious world. Its strong acidity makes many challengers stay away. Eating it will feel like eating an acetic acid bomb. After eating it, your health will decrease by 50% and your anger will increase by 100.%】

【Super Thai Spicy Instant Noodles: There are four kinds of spicy in the world, mildly spicy, medium spicy, spicy, and Thai hot! Eating this instant noodle will make your anus broken, your face covered with wounds, and your smile faded. After eating it, your health will be reduced by 50%, and you will remain in a severely injured state for three days.】

【Rat Brand Special Duck Neck: Artificially cultivated duck neck of the highest quality. After eating it, people will have a psychedelic reaction and have a confused understanding of the species of animals, so that they will call a deer a horse and a duck a mouse. 】

Seeing these three things, Lin Ye was confused.

He didn't know how to explain to Fu Xuan.

To say that her luck was bad, it wasn't really true. After all, the things she drew were things that the Star Iron World didn't originally have.

But the strange thing was that these things were actually those snack assassins.

"Hmm?" Fu Xuan glanced at the bottles and jars in her hand, waiting for Lin Ye to explain to her.

"Sir, these things of yours are all good stuff."Lin Ye smiled awkwardly."They are hot-selling delicacies from other worlds."

"Like this black plum, it is absolutely sweet and juicy, and it refreshes and quenches thirst after eating"

"And this can of instant noodles is the best of the best, with a specially made Thai spicy flavor that makes you feel Thai spicy with every bite!"

"There is also a third jar, which contains some special duck necks. The unique thing is that the shape of this duck is quite strange, which makes it hard to believe that it is really a duck."

Lin Ye explained for a while, and Fu Xuan frowned and became more and more confused.

She simply prepared to open it directly to find out what was going on.

"Wait!" Lin Ye stopped him directly this time and snatched away the three things.

"Boss, you are so rude." Fu Xuan looked at Lin Ye suspiciously and said,"Is there anything that cannot be seen? Why don't you let people see everything?"

Qingque beside him also looked a little strange.

"Yes, boss, you were not like this before. You always encouraged us to use them on the spot. Why are you a different person today?"

Lin Ye was also bitter.

These three things are not snacks, but weapons against the enemy. They should be used as traps for the enemy. That way, they will be very effective.

If Fu Xuan really eats them now, there is a high probability that he will knock the head of the Taibu Division to the ground and be seriously injured.

It will bring trouble to his own store and affect business.

"That's right, sir." Lin Ye explained with a smile."These three things are extremely high in calories."

"A perfect figure like yours is not suitable for eating such high-calorie food."

"Also, because it is food from another world, in order to avoid acclimatization, it is best to have a doctor from the Danding Division watching over you when you eat it."

After saying this, even Lin Ye felt that her explanation was ridiculous, but Fu Xuan seemed to believe it.

She gently lifted the shoulder strap on her back and said lightly:"You are reminding"

"I've just been managing my body shape recently, so I really need to control it."

After saying this, Fu Xuan directly left the three jars to Qingque.

"Take it to Taipusi and give it to the secretaries who work hard all day. They are tired from working overtime all day."

"However, employees like you who slack off all day are not allowed to eat~"

Qingque spread his hands helplessly, looking unhappy.

Lin Ye was thinking in his heart.

This Qingque is really a European emperor. He actually escaped because he slacked off too much on weekdays.

"But after pulling out so many blind boxes, I still haven't pulled out what I want. Lin Ye, how do you explain this?" Fu Xuan narrowed his eyes and asked coldly.

"You can't say that. In fact, these things are very valuable treasures. It's just that Master Taibu has too high standards and doesn't like them."

"Isn't there one last blind box? Let's open it first." Lin Ye said with a smile."You know, many people got the last one."

"My Lord, you are an expert in divination, so why not calculate whether this last blind box is good or bad?"

"Humph~ You are such a bad guy, you still want to teach me how to do things?"

Fu Xuan flicked his fingers lightly, and the last blind box fell.

A card slowly floated out.

【Ninjutsu Experience Card: Izanagi X1]!

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