Lin Ye's heart was shocked and his scalp was numb.

This is really a sure win!

Fu Xuan got a treasure in the last blind box, an absolute treasure.

【Ninjutsu Experience Card Izanagi: A one-time consumable from the mysterious ninja world. You can use this ninjutsu without chakra, Sharingan, or Hashirama cells, but it can only be used once. After use, the experience card will be automatically destroyed.】

【Izanagi: The Uchiha clan's ultimate eye technique, which can turn things that happened within a period of time that are unfavorable to them into nothing, and only choose things that are beneficial to them to become reality. After using it once, the Sharingan will be permanently closed, and to activate this technique, you need to have the power of both the Uchiha clan and the Senju clan at the same time, and the conditions are extremely harsh.

Izanagi can turn fantasy into reality and make things develop in a direction that is beneficial to oneself. Its function can be completely described as a bug.

There is no need to explain too much. Just based on the fact that it is one of the highest eye techniques in the ninja world, Fu Xuan will make a lot of money by opening this box

"Is this the performance card you mentioned before?" Fu Xuan asked leisurely while playing with the experience card.

"It is indeed a skill card, but it is just a one-time experience card"

"Oh? Just a trial card?"Fu Xuan was a little disappointed."Then it's useless to me."

"I don’t know what went wrong with my poor viewing today, why I am so unlucky?"

"That may not be the case. Sir, please do not make any assumptions. Let me explain it to you first."Lin Ye said seriously.

According to common sense, the experience card is indeed not as good as the permanent skill book.

Because once the skill book is activated, it can be used permanently, which is equivalent to getting a skill without any effort. As for the experience card, it is just an experience, and it will disappear after the use time.

In other words, the experience card is equivalent to a disposable prop, which is gone after use.

Moreover, Fu Xuan's experience card can only be used once, unlike the Toad Oil Flame Bomb Experience Card drawn on March 7, which can be used unlimitedly within the specified time.

But the most important thing about this matter is to see what skill it is.

For skills like Izanagi, the experience card is even more useful than the skill book.

Because even if you master this skill, you need a lot of prerequisites, you need a Sharingan, and you need to transplant the cells of the Senju clan, which are difficult to achieve in the world of Xingtie.

Even if you are lucky enough to achieve it, the Sharingan will be useless after using it once, so it is essentially disposable.

And this experience card can be used without considering any prerequisites, even if you don't have a Sharingan, you can start it directly!

"Master Fu Xuan, what I am going to say next will go against common sense, but I hope you can listen carefully."

Lin Ye suddenly became serious, which made Fu Xuan and Qingque a little uncomfortable.

"Why are you so fierce? I am listening." Fu Xuan said expressionlessly

"After using this skill, things will develop in the direction you want, and your body will return to the most favorable state for you."Izanagi's principle is indeed too complicated, and it is not something from the same world at all, so it is difficult for Lin Ye to explain it clearly in one sentence.

"For example, if you slap me now, and I use Izanagi, the result will be the moment before you slap me.……"

Fu Xuan and Qing Que were confused after hearing this.

"What the hell?"

"Master Fu Xuan, let me explain it to you in words you can understand. If your Qiongguan Formation and Jade Omen can predict the future, then the function of this skill is……"

"Change the past! Or to change the unfavorable situation that has already happened to a certain extent."

After saying this, the blind box store fell into silence for a while.

Fu Xuan's eyes also became weird, and his breathing became rapid.

Change the past? What the hell is this?

"How is this possible?" Fu Xuan asked sternly."The past is the past. How can we change what has happened?"

"That's why I said this thing will be beyond your expectations."Lin Ye smiled faintly.

"You have to understand that the world is full of wonders."

"This world is indeed big, but compared to the myriad worlds, it is just a drop in the ocean."

"If Master Fu Xuan doesn't believe it, you can go and confront other people who have opened blind boxes. I am a conscientious seller and have never cheated anyone."

Fu Xuan remained silent, and his eyes became distracted.

If everything Lin Ye said was true, then this would completely subvert her outlook on life and values.

Fu Xuan is the strongest fortune teller in the universe, and the only one who can compare with her is Elio, the boss of the Galaxy Hunter.

But whether it is fortune-telling or peeping, it is actually predicting the future.

That's because people have a deep fear of the future, so they want to predict everything.

But if you have the ability to change the past, there is no need to predict the future, because no matter how the future develops, at that point in time, I will make it turn in a direction that is beneficial to me.

Lin Ye saw that Fu Xuan was uneasy, and roughly guessed what she was thinking, and explained with a smile:

"Sir, don't overthink it."

"Although it can make things develop in a direction that is favorable to you, there is a time limit and you can only change things within a moment."

"And its scope is also limited. This so-called change of the past is also for what happened to you. Don't expect it to change the past of the entire universe."

"Maybe there are some limitations, but I just don't know about them."

Lin Ye's understanding of Izanagi is indeed incomplete, because in the original ninja world, this skill appeared very few times, and there was a lack of research samples. The only time it appeared frequently was before Danzo's death. The most annoying thing was that the old man abused it completely at that time, so it was not of any reference value.

"Even so, this thing is very scary."Fu Xuan carefully put away the experience card and breathed a sigh of relief.

She wanted to keep such a heaven-defying thing as a trump card! It is not enough to use this thing as a last resort.

At this moment, Qingque on the side suddenly said

"Boss, can I understand it this way? For example, if I lose a game of Di Yuan Qiong Yu, and I use this skill, can it become that I win? Hehehe"

"This way the time and scope are also in line with"

"Haha, I am smart."


Lin Ye smiled awkwardly and said,"If you insist on saying so, it is indeed possible, but I still don't recommend using such a powerful thing in a card game.……"

Before he finished speaking, he heard Qingque scream.

She covered her head and felt another bump on it.

Then, on the other side, Fu Xuan rolled his eyes and clenched his fists.


"I'm just asking, I don't really need it."


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