Night has fallen, and the noisy Xuanye Street has returned to silence.

Two figures walked slowly on the long street.

It was Fu Xuan and Qingque.

They had just come out of Lin Ye's blind box shop and were on their way back to Taipusi.

At this time, Fu Xuan had not yet completely recovered from the shock of obtaining Izanagi, and there was a slight smile on his face.

Just based on this skill card, let alone 4.5 million, even 45 million is worth it.

Even the head of Taipusi could not withstand the impact of such a rare treasure.

""Master Taibu, what do you think of this Lin Ye?" Qingque said with a smile."Is there anything suspicious?"

Qingque is very smart. She understood the real purpose of Fu Xuan going to the blind box store from the beginning. In addition to opening blind boxes to enhance personal strength, there is another reason to test him.

Recently, Lin Ye has been too popular in the six departments, and Fu Xuan must see with his own eyes how much this person is worth.

"Humph~ This person is very cunning, slick and hard to figure out."Fu Xuan said proudly.

"But if you want to cheer me up in this way, do you think I’m a little girl who is ignorant of the world?"

"I had thought this person must be extraordinary before, and now it seems that my guess was correct."

"To be able to casually pull out such a terrifying skill card as Izanagi, this person's family background is immeasurable."

Fu Xuan said to himself, and Qingque beside him just nodded with a smile.

"Master Taibu, no matter what Lin Ye's purpose is, since he is willing to lose money to gain publicity, we should open more boxes now, and we will definitely make money."

Fu Xuan smiled coldly and said,"I will go to his store every week to open boxes."

"I won't open it. If Jing Yuan keeps opening it, the gap between us will get bigger and bigger. I won't let that happen."

As he was talking, Fu Xuan suddenly remembered something and asked in a low voice,"Have you installed the Qiongguan Stone Eye?"

"Hehe, of course." Qingque laughed proudly."When Lin Ye brought the box to you, I had already packed it."

"From that position, you can see the entire store clearly, 360 degrees 4K high definition without blind spots."

Fu Xuan nodded with satisfaction.

"In the future, we need to keep an eye on Lin Ye. We need someone to be responsible for this matter."

"Not only Lin Ye's daily routine, but also everyone who comes to the blind box shop and what treasures each of them has obtained, must be recorded in detail."

Qingque could only agree and agree after hearing this, but he couldn't help complaining in his heart.

Thinking that this Taibu was really scheming, she did everything that the Ten Kings Division should do.

Fortunately, this woman is not the head of the Immortal Boat, otherwise the people of the Taibu Division would be exhausted to death.

Thinking of this, Qingque suddenly smiled embarrassedly."My lord, I have not been careful since I was a child, and I lose things, so I can't do this job.……"

"Humph~ You little girl, with your habit of working for three days and resting for two days, I am not confident in handing this seat to you."

"Hahaha, that's good, that's good." Qingque clapped his hands in approval.

"There is one more thing, Fu Taibu, you see I have been with you for so long tonight, and I have helped you install the Qiongguan Stone Eye, your body is really tired. Haha, you see……"

"You've said so much, aren't you just trying to ask for sick leave from me again?" Fu Xuan looked at Qingque helplessly."I could have trained you as my successor, but you really disappoint me."

"Never mind, just go with you."

""Nice!" Qingque cheered, then turned around and ran in another direction.

"Where are you going?"

"I have to go back to the card shop. I don't have to go to work tomorrow, so I can play all night."

Looking at Qingque's receding back, Fu Xuan shook his head helplessly.

Qingque is a good kid, but he doesn't work properly. He has mastered the art of slacking off.

Fu Xuan sighed and his figure slowly disappeared on the long street.

At this time, in another corner of Xuanye Street, two slender fox girls suddenly jumped out from the dark shadows of the trees.

One of them was wearing red clothes, and the other was wearing blue clothes. They were whispering something.

"Hehe, Master Siduo, you guessed it right. This Fu Taibu really came to secretly open the blind box."

The two people are Yukong, the Siduo of Tianbosi, and her most capable subordinate, Jiedushi Tingyun.

Unlike Tingyun's eccentricity and tact, Yukong exudes a calm feminine beauty, which is quite like the big sister next door.

"Tingyun, please take me there now."

"Since General Jingyuan and Fu Taibu have been here, I can't be left behind."


At this time in the Wanjie Blind Box Store,

Lin Ye was packing up the rebate he had just received.

He carefully put the two Izanagi experience cards into his shirt pocket.

He also ate the transparent fruit as if it were an apple.

Only the remaining canned herrings and black plums made Lin Ye quite entangled.

"Hey, can't Fu Xuan, this woman, draw some delicious food?"

If these rebate items can be traded, Lin Ye would be happy to give them to his favorite Lao Ma or the arrogant Jing Yuanyuan to play a good trick on them.

Unfortunately, due to the system settings, all rebate props can only be used by Lin Ye himself.

This cut off his evil idea.

While he was leisurely, Lin Ye suddenly remembered something and asked slowly

"System, what are you going to do with the camera that Qingque left here just now?"

In fact, Lin Ye had already noticed Qingque's every move.

Don't forget that he also has white eyes, one of the abilities of white eyes is to see things behind him clearly.

It's just that he played along with the two women and acted with them.

They thought Lin Ye was on the first floor, but in fact, Lin Ye had already been a thousand-layer cake

"Our small shop is about to be monitored by others. Can you tolerate this?"

"From now on, we will be under surveillance when buying and selling things. Can you tolerate it?"

"The six divisions of Xianzhou are all standing on our heads, can you bear it?"

A mean laugh came from the system.

"That must be unbearable."

"In fact, I had already dealt with the Qiongguan Stone when you opened the blind box. No matter how Fu Xuan looked at it from the other side, he would only see a virtual picture."

Lin Ye lay in the rocking chair with satisfaction, and seemed to have guessed it all.

Although this system is a profiteer and has tried to cheat him many times, it will never be vague when it comes to things of common interests.

"It has to be you, the system."

"By the way, what kind of virtual images will you see over there?"Lin Ye asked casually.

The system was silent for a few seconds and slowly said

"Host, you have to understand that in order to make the person over there give up, you must let her see something eye-catching."

"So I input your nude photos, hehehe."

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