"Star Core Hunter?"

Lin Ye was not unfamiliar with this name.

This is actually an Akatsuki organization in the universe. They are wanted by official forces, but they are doing very mysterious and righteous things.

It is said that they want to use star cores to fight against the Destruction Star God and the Antimatter Legion.

The members include Kafka, Silver Wolf, Blade, Elio... Anyway, they are all very powerful criminals.

Lin Ye knew about this organization not because of anything else, but because before crossing over, Lin Ye had imagined countless times doing something fun with Kafka.

"That’s right, the Star Core Hunters are very terrifying beings in the universe, and each of them has the strength of a commander-level warrior." Su Shang continued

"Although they acted very secretly, we were able to track them down through Di Ting, and we followed the traces to find you."

Doesn't this mean that the Star Core Hunters came to his shop?

Lin Ye was also startled, and hurriedly looked around, but found that there was no trace of anyone.

"Did you say that the Star Core Hunter was interrupted at the door of my blind box store?"Lin Ye asked in confusion."But there are really no people here."

"Please allow us to search your store."

"Please go ahead."

Yunqijun took Diting to search Lin Ye's blind box store.

Lin Ye's store was not big, and there was nothing but blind boxes. It could be described as a bare house.

Suchang and the others searched for a long time but found nothing. Even Diting seemed to be dumbfounded and started to walk in circles.

"Sorry, boss, maybe we are wrong. There is really no trace of him in your store. It's really strange.……"Su Chang scratched her head and looked very confused.

"It could be that Di Ting's tracking was wrong, or it could be that this was just a misunderstanding. Anyway, let's go check somewhere else on Xuanye Street. Sorry to bother you."

Lin Ye just smiled faintly and said,"It's okay, you guys have worked hard."

"And boss, before the crisis is resolved, you should not continue to operate in the middle of the night." Su Chang suggested."Look, your shop is the only one with lights on in the entire Xuanye Street, it's quite eye-catching."

Lin Ye nodded repeatedly, it was interesting that Su Chang actually cared about him.

"I will definitely cooperate with the work of the Cloud Cavalry Army. This is the basic quality of a good citizen of Xianzhou."

"Hehe, that's good." Su Chang showed a lovely smile and waved to Lin Ye."I will come back to open the blind box after I finish my work. Thanks to you, I have a lot of money recently."

"No problem, I'll definitely leave you a few big ones."

Su Chang led a group of cloud cavalry soldiers out of the blind box store and rushed to the next suspicious location.

Lin Ye closed the door directly.

He was about to use his white eyes to search the situation in the house, when he suddenly felt a chill in his lower back, as if he was being pointed at by a gun.

Two unique scents began to permeate the house.

It was a woman's unique fragrance, and it also had a faint smell of the sea of stars on the spaceship.

"Good boy, raise your hands."

When Lin Ye heard this voice, he knew that the woman was coming, because this voice was very familiar.

Lin Ye cooperated and raised his hands, pretending to be pitiful.

"Who are you?"

"I am Kafka from the Star Core Hunter~"

The white eyes have a 360-degree view. Lin Ye looked behind him and saw Kafka, who had an angelic face and a devilish figure, pointing her pistol at him. The sexy purple hair, black leather jacket and boots, and especially the black stockings on her legs, made it hard not to have wild thoughts.

At this moment, a blue figure suddenly appeared in front of Lin Ye, with silver hair and neon sunglasses.

Although she was small, she had a unique lolita flavor and looked very cute.

She gently tapped the air twice with her hands, and a quantum rope directly tied Lin Ye up.

"Hello, I am the Star Core Hunter Silver Wolf"

"You have been captured by us now, and we are considering whether to take you away."

Silver Wolf said coldly

"Don't try to break free, it will hurt."

Lin Ye never expected that these two people would actually lurk in his shop.

The Star Core Hunter actually came to the Immortal Boat, and the first stop was to see him, which was quite surprising.

However, Lin Ye did not directly reply to Kafka and the others at this time, but started a conversation with the system in his heart.

"System, I've been kidnapped, what should I do?"

After a long time, there was no response from the system, so Lin Ye started to yell

"Dog system, I'm being kidnapped! Sleep on me, get up!"

"Hehehe, it’s okay, host. You are the king in the blind box store. You can play however you want. Why not play one king and two queens?"

After waiting for a while, the system finally responded.

"Whatever you think of, that's it."



Lin Ye calmed down and showed a faint smile on his face.

It was enough for him to have the system. Anyway, it was invincible, so what was there to be afraid of?

"I don't care if you are star core hunters or something, I only care if you are here to open the blind box"

"If you come to our store to open a blind box, then I absolutely welcome you. If you come to kidnap me, then I can only deal with you according to the store rules."

Lin Ye said it very imposingly, but Kafka behind him laughed out loud.

Her voice was very warm, exuding the unique flavor of a royal sister.

"You are so cute~"

"Mommy loves you so much~"

Silver Wolf was already sitting on Lin Ye's desk and started playing mobile games.

"Don't struggle. I have just used hacking technology to temporarily interrupt the Xianzhou Huangzhong system. No one will come to save you."

"As for you, I have also checked and you are just a piece of trash"

"Please do not doubt the strength of the Ether Editor!"

Lin Ye did not comment, but slowly stood up, and the quantum rope tied to him broke.

At the same time, the gun in Kafka's hand also flew up and fell directly into Lin Ye's hand.



Kafka and Silver Wolf were shocked, but then they found that they could not move. They were suppressed by an invisible pressure.

Kafka and Silver Wolf were both at the level of a envoy, and they had seen the power of a star god before, but the strength displayed by Lin Ye at this moment shocked them completely.

That power seemed endless, and people had no courage to resist it.

"I admit that you are very strong, but if I tell you that I am invincible, how will you respond?"

Lin Ye laughed frivolously.

"Kafka, and Silver Wolf, you are already under my control, and now is your interrogation phase."

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