"Who are you?"

Kafka said in surprise.

As a star core hunter, Kafka has been to many different galaxies and fought many powerful enemies.

But this is the first time she has seen someone like Lin Ye who made her feel powerless to resist.

With just one move, he subdued her and Silver Wolf.

The most terrifying thing is that it is impossible to tell what kind of power of destiny he is using.

You have to know that all the strong people in this universe, whether they are star gods or messengers, are actually borrowing the power of destiny, and Lin Ye has no trace of any destiny, which means that all the power comes from himself.

Kafka didn't dare to think about it anymore, because it was too terrifying.

"You two, did you come to Xianzhou specifically to kidnap me, but you didn't even know my identity?"

"You star core hunters are too careless in your work."

At this time, Silver Wolf showed a puzzled expression on his face, and whispered:"I used hacking technology to hack into the Huangzhong system of the fairy boat. The system shows that you are just a barbarian with low combat effectiveness."

Lin Ye did not comment, but just smiled faintly.

You must always maintain the attitude of a master to completely conquer the two women in front of you.

Kafka and Silver Wolf are both Lin Ye's favorites.

There is no need to say more about the reason why he likes Kafka. I believe that any otaku will not dislike her.

And the reason why he likes Silver Wolf is that anyone with a discerning eye can see that she is the reincarnation of Yaya in Beng San

"Bronya has nothing but fighting."

Just this one sentence made Lin Ye feel pity. Lin Ye wanted to protect such a girl.

So Lin Ye had to deal with these two women and turn them into his long-term customers.

"Okay, your questions are over, now it's time for me to interrogate you."

As he said that, Lin Ye took out some unique treasures that he had received rebates from the system before, including two cans of herring, two cans of black plums...

Lin Ye thought for a moment, then said sinisterly:"I am a person who knows how to cherish women, so I won't be too harsh on you."

"What are you going to do?" Kafka stared at Lin Ye with eyes wide open."Don't come over here."

"The Star Core Hunter will not let you go."Silver Wolf shouted.

He smiled and chose a can of black plums.

Then he took out two and stuffed them into Kafka and Silver Wolf's mouths respectively.

The system had said before that Lin Ye could not trade or give away anything that came from rebates.

But now that these two people came to him, Lin Ye used the black plums as a weapon for self-defense, which was not considered a trade or gift, and did not violate the system rules at all.

And even if the two of them couldn't swallow the plums, just stuffing them into their mouths was enough.

"Woo woo woo"



Kafka and Silver Wolf made painful sounds. Lin Ye smiled faintly and took out the big plum.

"How is the black plum? Is it sweet?"

Kafka and Silver Wolf were crying at this time, and they were in no mood to answer Lin Ye's stupid question.

""Okay, I won't joke with you two anymore. Tell me all the causes and consequences now."

Under this torture that was almost like torture, Kafka and Silver Wolf were completely convinced. Moreover, this matter itself was not a secret of their Star Core Hunters, and there was no need to keep it secret at all.

How Kafka would meet Dan Heng who was teleported in the spacecraft, and how she heard about the blind box from Dan Heng, and the information that Lin Ye had previously broadcast to the entire universe.

After all these things were told, Lin Ye understood everything.

It turned out that kidnapping himself was not the task of their Star Core Hunters at all, but just a whim of the two.

"Miss Kafka, so you kidnapped me just because you think I have a star core?"

"And Silver Wolf, you kidnapped me just because you thought it was fun? You wanted to have fun?"

Lin Ye shook his head helplessly.

"First of all, let me tell you clearly that I have nothing on me. If you think you can get treasure by kidnapping me, then you are really overthinking."

"If you want to get the treasure, you have only one way to go, that is to open the blind box in my store"

"A gentleman loves money, but he gets it in a proper way. Only the treasures you get from the blind box belong to you."

Lin Ye said as he waved his hand gently, releasing Kafka and Silver Wolf.

Kafka and Silver Wolf, who regained their freedom, looked at each other in bewilderment.

"You...you're just going to let us go like this?"

"We are star core hunters."Silver Wolf muttered.

""I don't care whether you are star core hunters or pea shooters, what does it have to do with me?" Lin Ye said with a smile."Whether you want to fight against the Star God of Destruction or want to defeat the Antimatter Legion, I have no interest in it at all."

"I just want to sell my blind box"

"Let's just be friends and make a fortune together, right?"

In fact, Lin Ye also had a crooked idea, which was to tie up Kafka and Silver Wolf and hand them over to the Interstellar Peace Company. After all, both of them have high bounties.

However, the Interstellar Peace Company is a long way away, and Lin Ye doesn't dare to leave the blind box store at all. As long as he takes half a step out of the blind box store, he will most likely be killed by Kafka.

Another option is to hand the two over to the Cloud Cavalry, but in that case, Lin Ye will not benefit at all, and it will be a pure bargain for Jing Yuan.

Rationally speaking, the best way is to do a favor for the two.

The Star Core Hunters are making a lot of noise in the universe, and it is absolutely reliable to ask them to help promote the blind box store in the future.

"Well, it is an honor for us Star Core Hunters to be friends with someone like you.

Kafka and Silver Wolf exchanged looks and asked tentatively.

"Can we leave now?"

Lin Ye shook his head and laughed.

"Tsk tsk, now that you're here, don't be in such a hurry to leave."

"As friends, shouldn't you support my business?"

Lin Ye glanced at the blind box shelf behind him.

"Each person buys ten, no less."

"I really don’t know if I can get a star core from this blind box."

Kafka and Silver Wolf looked at each other again and whispered.

"It seems that Danheng was the treasure opened in the blind box at that time"

"Yes, Silver Wolf, and in the current situation, if we don't buy it, I guess this guy won't let us go."

"Kafka, this guy looks weird, let's not offend him."

For these two star core hunters, 4.5 million credit points are not even pocket money.

Silver Wolf directly used hacker technology to embezzle 20 million from the personal account of a big boss of Interstellar Peace Company and directly deposited it into Lin Ye's account.

"Okay, no need to change it." Silver Wolf adjusted his sunglasses on his forehead and said calmly."Credit points are just a number to me."

""Boss is very generous!" Lin Ye said with a smile."Who will go first?"

Lin Ye was very glad for his choice. With Silver Wolf's abnormal hacking skills, it would definitely be more beneficial than harmful to have a good relationship with the Star Core Hunter.

"Let me go first." Kafka put away her pistol and said gently.

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