"As long as you take good care of these dragon eggs, they will hatch dragons, and these dragons will obey your orders and regard you as their mother." Lin Ye tried to explain in plain language.

He suddenly felt that all this was really a coincidence.

Bronya and the Dragon Queen in Game of Thrones were really similar.

Both had white curly hair.

Both were princesses.

Could this be a coincidence?

"Dragon?" Bronya asked in surprise.

"The dragon you are talking about, is it the legendary Immortal Star Dragon?"

Although the planet Yalilo is relatively closed, as a young lady, Bronya can still obtain some knowledge of the universe.

She knows that the dragon once held the fate of immortality, but then suddenly died for unknown reasons.

It is said that the Chiming tribe on the fairy boat is actually the descendant of the Immortal Star Dragon. Of course, since the Immortal Star God is dead, this kind of thing is naturally impossible to investigate.

"You can understand it this way. If I remember correctly, it should be a species."Lin Ye replied

"You mean these three round stones are dragon eggs that can hatch immortal star dragon-like creatures?" Bronya looked like she didn't believe Lin Ye at all."Are you kidding?"

"What kind of existence is a star god? How could it be hatched from an egg?"

Bronya naturally believed that there were all kinds of rare treasures in Lin Ye's blind box, but it was too far-fetched to hatch a star god-like existence all of a sudden.

Then what's the point of solving the star core crisis? Just send the hatched dragons to fight against the star god of destruction and the antimatter army.

Can three star gods still not beat one star god?

"I just said it was a species, but I never said they were all star god-level beings."

"Also, do you think hatching is that simple? It is very likely that it cannot be hatched at all."

According to the setting of Game of Thrones, only the blood of the Targaryen family can hatch a dragon, but there is no Targaryen dragon blood in the Star Iron world, so this restriction should have been modified by the system.

Any user can hatch dragon eggs, but it is hard to say whether it can be hatched.

Who knows if it is a bad egg? The system has done such things before.

As for the combat power of the dragon, Lin Ye is not sure.

Anyway, in the world of Game of Thrones, the dragon should be regarded as the top combat power second only to the Night Demon, but in the world of Star Iron, after the abnormal strengthening of the system, it is unknown to what extent it can reach.

"Oh, there is one thing I want to remind you of."Lin Ye suddenly remembered something.

"The dragons hatched here all have the ability to breathe fire, which may be useful in solving the cold wave problem on your planet."

"How do you say that?"Bronya frowned and asked in confusion.

"Isn't this hard to understand? Spraying fire directly to melt the ice is the simplest principle."Lin Ye said with a smile

"If it's really like what you said, then that's good." Bronya shook her head and said, her fluffy curly hair swaying back and forth."There are only three dragons, no matter how powerful they are, they can't solve the cold current brought by the star core."

"Miss Bronya, you need to be more active." Lin Ye once again showed his signature evil smile.

"Suppose you hatched three dragons, and there are male and female dragons among them. I think the probability of this happening is not low."

"Then one person gives birth to ten, ten gives birth to a hundred, a hundred gives birth to thousands and millions"

"They lay eggs, and you can hatch them. Eventually, there will be more and more. If you feel tired, you can develop this into an industry and let all of you in Beloberg hatch dragon eggs."

"Regardless of whether it is the upper or lower zone, hatching dragon eggs is the first priority."

"By then, the sky will be full of flying dragons. What's more, even ten star cores can't stop it. Even the most powerful star cores will be destroyed."

Bronya was stunned by what Lin Ye said.

At first glance, it sounded absurd and exaggerated.

But if you think about it carefully, it actually makes sense.

At least there is nothing wrong with it.

"But... the dragons everywhere are breathing fire. It seems that Yalilo is not very suitable for human habitation, right?" Bronya asked suddenly.

"Haha, well, that depends on how you do it. I just provide the method, but how you actually do it depends on you."Lin Ye smiled awkwardly.

Bronya nodded with certainty.

Apart from anything else, Lin Ye did provide her with a possible choice.

Don't worry about whether it will succeed in the end, at least it is a hope.

You know, Yalilo has been living in the hopeless cold for so many years, and this little spark is bright enough.

She felt so lucky for a moment.

It turns out that the European Emperor is really herself. She actually got something that can solve the star core crisis in the first ten draws.

In any case, she can give an explanation to her mother.

"By the way, Boss, is there any trick to hatching this dragon egg?" Bronya suddenly asked

"I have to think about this carefully."

Lin Ye pondered.

The system did not explain the means of hatching.

So Lin Ye could only understand that there was no means.

But since the customer asked, Lin Ye would definitely make up a story.

"It's actually very simple, you just need to hold her often, just like holding a baby."

Lin Ye's words were indeed a bit explicit, causing Bronya's face to turn slightly red.

How could she, a grown lady, know how to hold a baby?

"Use your body temperature to warm them from time to time"

"If it doesn't work, just put it on your waist and use it as a decoration."Lin Ye said with a chuckle.

This was just a casual remark, but Bronya really believed it.

She tied the three dragon eggs together and fixed them around her waist, looking like a nouveau riche.

The dragon eggs were very heavy, but Bronya's eyes showed a firm look.

If this could save her planet, what would this little sin matter?

"Thank you, boss." Bronya showed a very grateful smile."I am very satisfied with this unboxing."

"Hehe, I've said it before, you won't suffer any loss if you open a box in Wanjie Blind Box Store."Lin Ye smiled faintly.

"However, I suggest that it is safer for the lady to open more blind boxes. After all, more choices mean more paths."

"I understand what you mean. I will stay here for a while longer. I will continue to open the boxes as promised next week."

Looking at Lin Ye shamelessly promoting blind boxes and setting a trap for Bronya, Fu Xuan and Jing Yuan both showed unhappy expressions.

"Quack, quack, quack?"


Lin Ye's words were all very exaggerated, but in reality, they were all empty promises.

First of all, Lin Ye didn't know how to hatch dragon eggs, and it was unknown whether they could hatch or not, and whether there would be a male or a female after hatching.

With so many unknowns, it was amazing that Lin Ye could trick Bronya into being grateful.

"My Lords, I really don't understand what you are saying."

"If you can't talk, just say less." Lin Ye said with a sly smile.

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