Bronya's box opening is over.

Everything went smoothly, but Lin Ye actually had an unspeakable doubt in his heart.

Lin Ye was confused about the timeline of this world.

According to what Ji Zi and March Seven said before, they had actually been to the planet Yalilo, but for some reason they did not solve the star core crisis there.

It stands to reason that the Star Dome Train Group is not a professional in star core sealing?

Star cores do not need to be destroyed, as long as they are sealed, but the Star Dome Train Group did not seal the star core.

There is also the reason why the Star Dome Train will reach the Luofu Xianzhou. According to Lin Ye's memory before the crossing, it should be affected by Kafka to change the course.

But in this parallel universe, it was because of Jing Yuan's invitation that he arrived at the Xianzhou in order to solve the disaster of longevity.

This story line is completely different from what Lin Ye knew before.

Coupled with the appearance of Lin Ye now, the timeline is even more chaotic.

This is also the reason why Lin Ye can't achieve omniscience and omnipotence in this world.

Otherwise, is it necessary for Lin Ye to sell blind boxes here?

Just rely on the Sky Eye and the information messenger to make money.

However, after listening to some of Bronya's words, Lin Ye was full of interesting ideas about Yalilo and Beloberg.

First of all, the sexy guardian Cocolia is not dead yet. In addition, Yalilo planet, as a backward planet with a lot of work to be done, has unlimited possibilities in the future.

It would be great to open a blind box store on such a planet in the future.


"Ahem, boss."

Bronya's words pulled Lin Ye back from his fantasy.

"I have finished unboxing, and now it is my sister's turn."

Bronya pointed to her cute sister in red, Clara.

Lin Ye was very impressed by Clara.

The main reason was that her name was the same as that of a sexy actress before Lin Ye traveled through time.

Lin Ye also had a general understanding of Clara's experience. She was a very poor homeless girl who was later raised by the robot Swarovski.

Her dream was to hope that robots and humans could live in harmony.

For such a child whose life was not easy, Lin Ye would not easily harm her.

""Big brother, can I open the box?" Clara pinched her fingers repeatedly and said timidly.

This call of"big brother" made Lin Ye feel numb.

"Of course you can. You have the special purchasing rights issued by the six ministries, so you can buy any blind box in the store."

Lin Ye said with a smile.

"It is recommended to draw ten times in a row, but if you want to draw one, it is also fine."

"Can Mr. Swarovski also open the blind box? I want Mr. Swarovski to draw first."Clara continued.

Lin Ye glanced at the big robot behind Clara, who was looking at him aggressively.

This robot is quite cool. Not only is it tall, but the black cloak it wears makes it look even more domineering.

Because it is a mechanical creation, the sound of parts running inside and outside its body is also filled with it, giving people a feeling of the arrival of the Terminator.

"I want to open a blind box too (machine voice)."The red eyes on his head flashed a strange light.


"Do robots also have to open blind boxes?"Lin Ye smiled awkwardly, then looked at Jing Yuan and Fu Xuan on the side."I have no objection, but this matter depends on the adults' opinions."

For Lin Ye, even if a dog came to open a blind box, he would be able to accept it. As long as he could take out credit points and get rebates, it didn't matter who opened it.

But this problem is more serious in Xianzhou. Foreign robots can open blind boxes, but the locals of Xianzhou are not allowed to open them. It is really unreasonable.

Jing Yuan, Fu Xuan and Yukong looked at each other and quacked for a long time.

"Never mind, they can't say anything."

"Anyway, the rules don't say that robots can't be used. So just use them boldly."

"If people outside have objections, just tell them who told them they are not robots."

Lin Ye waved his hand and said

"Mr. Swarlow, how many blind boxes are you going to draw?"

"Blind box... program... has analyzed all the blind box opening templates and analyzed the probability. My choice is one! (Robot)"

Swarovski made a gesture.

Lin Ye scratched his head helplessly. This robot opening box is really a bit different.

He just drew a blind box and said so much.

The credit points arrived, and Lin Ye placed a blind box in front of Swarovski.

Swarovski grabbed it with his big mechanical hand, and the blind box broke directly.

Golden light seeped out from the gap.

【Skill Book: Space Walk] X1.

Swarovski actually got a skill book in his first draw. He was really lucky.

Lin Ye took a look.

【Skill Book: Space Walk: One-time consumable, dance skill from a mysterious world】

【Space Walk: A classic dance step from the legendary superstar MJ, divided into backward slide, side slide, in-situ slide, and spin slide, giving people the illusion of walking in space.

Although it is a skill book, it is not a combat skill, but a dance step.

This is more or less useless.

But it is definitely much better than those ordinary materials. Space Walk is still very useful for showing off.

"Ahem, Mr. Swarovski is lucky, it's a skill book."

Seeing that it was a skill book, Clara cheered.

"It turned out to be a skill book. Mr. Swarovski is awesome." Clara jumped and cheered.

"But can robots really use skill books?"

"Why not? Any creature can use the things in the Wanjie Blind Box Store, as long as they have the ability to think."Lin Ye explained."Swarovski is an advanced robot, so naturally���You can use skill books"

"If you don't believe me, you can try it directly."

Shiwaro looked at the skill book and seemed to be analyzing something.

"I want to learn skills. After learning skills, I can become stronger and continue to protect Clara."

Then the skill book turned into a white light and flowed into Swarovski's body.

The red eyes on Swarovski's head also flashed.

The parts of his body began to emit white steam.

"How does Mr. Swarovski feel?" Lin Ye said with a smile

"The program has been written, and Swarovski has acquired the skill."

As soon as Swarovski finished speaking, his body started to move.

He began to walk back and forth on the spot, sometimes rotating, sometimes leaning forward 90 degrees.

In the end, he even walked backwards, and in between, he also made various old-fashioned gestures of touching his head and crotch.

It looked very cool and awesome.

But Clara, who was standing next to him, was so anxious that she almost cried.

"Mr. Swarlow, what's wrong with you? Is Mr. Swarlow out of order?"

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