"Clara, I'm fine." Swarovski said in a low voice."It's just that this dance makes me feel very comfortable."

Swarovski didn't seem to want to stop at all, and continued to show off his wonderful dance steps.

The cloak behind him also danced back and forth, which was very gorgeous.

"But what kind of skill is this?"Bronya on the side couldn't bear to watch it anymore and couldn't help but complain."Haha, it's too funny."

Lin Ye smiled but didn't say anything, he could only shake his head silently.

If he didn't even take MJ's classic dance steps seriously, then if Swarovski danced the kinesi, I wonder what these people would think

"Ms. Bronya, the blind box does not only have skills for fighting and killing"

"Some life skills are actually quite interesting."

"Mr. Swarlow, please stop jumping. I'm so scared!"

Clara cried and grabbed Swarlow's arm, muttering

"The dance stopped, and Shiwaro entered standby mode.

Shiwaro slowly stopped swinging his body and gradually returned to his original state.

"Okay, Mr. Swarovski, do you want to continue opening the box? Lin Ye interrupted this absurd scene.

"I will continue to open the box, and this time I will use up all the remaining blind box privileges."Swarovski said decisively.

"That's right, a cool man like you should actually do ten consecutive draws."Lin Ye laughed.

The remaining nine blind boxes were placed in front of Swarovski.

The big guy arched his back, and nine small missiles flew out of his cloak, flying in Lin Ye's blind boxes in a fixed-point cruise manner.

Bang, bang, bang! All nine blind boxes were penetrated by the missiles, and then the missiles flew back into Swarovski's cloak, but the things in the blind boxes were taken in Swarovski's hands at the fastest speed.

"Oh my god, you use missiles to open blind boxes, right?"

"You are amazing."

Lin Ye looked at Swarovski with a fake smile, not knowing what to say.

When it comes to showing off, this robot is the best. The previous methods of slashing with a knife and flicking with fingers were weak.

This one is directly bombing with missiles. Have you seen it?

"Mr. Swarovski, this way of opening the box is so cool, remember not to use it in the future."Lin Ye said with a smile."If you break something in the store, you will have to pay for it."

"Hehe, sorry, I got so excited that I became like this."Swarovski scratched his head and laughed.

Lin Ye began to count the treasures in the blind box for Swarovski.

【Purify Ether X100】

【Five-star light cone X1】

【Six walnuts X1】

【Simulation skin X1】

【Footprints of Destiny X10】

【Travel Information X10】

【Terminator T-1000 liquid change core component X1】

【Durian Thousand Layer X1】

【I'll kill you 3000X1]

Overall it's just okay, but there are still some good things to show for it

【Simulated skin: A cyberpunk simulation technology from the future world, it can create real skin with temperature and activity to cover the whole body, mostly used for camouflage work. The method of use is also very simple, just imagine what you want to become, and the simulated skin can be directly manufactured. The cooling time is 30 days】

【Terminator T-1000 Liquid Transformation Core Component: A unique core from a robot world that can only be used by robots. After equipping it, the Terminator T-1000 will gain its unique skill of liquid transformation, which can automatically recover after being destroyed. In addition, the body can also freely merge with other liquids.】

【3000 Kills: A classic item made by Da Vinci, which was later deeply improved by the Wanjie Blind Box System to become a top weapon. It combines ten deadly weapons in one, and each weapon can stand on its own. Legend has it that it is a killing weapon that is ten times more powerful than any other weapon. The ten weapons include machetes, poison, gunpowder, sulfuric acid, bicycle chains, pistols, grenades, pesticides, etc. 】

Some materials that can be seen on a daily basis, Swarlow handed them directly to Clara.

He can't use things like light cones at all. If he leaves them to Clara, it can at least help Clara increase her strength.

"Haha, maybe what I said before was not accurate."Lin Ye smiled faintly."Some basic materials in the blind box may not be suitable for robots to use."

"But there are some things in it that are very suitable for you."

First, Lin Ye took a small square box in his hand and began to explain to Shiwaro.

"This is called a simulated skin making machine. It is not a very advanced technology, but it is still useful for you backward Yalilo."

"After using it, you can have the same appearance as humans."

After saying this, before Swarovski responded, Clara laughed happily.

"Wow, can Mr. Swarlow become like a normal person?"

"Of course, this is not some high-tech technology."Lin Ye chuckled."It's just that your underground in Beloberg is too backward." In fact, this thing is just a disguise, and it is definitely not a very powerful thing.

The mechanical life in many civilizations has long had the same appearance and body temperature as humans, which is nothing new.

"The method of use is also very simple, I will teach you."

Lin Ye instructed Shiwaro to operate

"First you hold this square box in your hand, and then start to imagine what a person looks like."

"Whoever you want to be, just imagine what that person looks like. It's that simple."

"You have to think clearly, this thing has a cooling time of 30 days."

"This is the time to test your aesthetic taste."

Swarovski nodded, not quite understanding, and then held the small machine in his hand.

""Swarovski has changed his target."

Then the small machine began to make a dripping sound, and something like foam began to spray out from it.

Layer by layer, it wrapped around Swarovski's body.

A minute later, a brand new Swarovski came into being.

He had a flowing yellow side part, thick eyebrows, and big eyes.

The key was that his expression revealed a charming and enchanting aura.

It gave Lin Ye a sense of déjà vu.

"Mr. Swarovski is so handsome." Clara threw herself into Swarovski's arms."I feel so safe behind you."

""Wow." Bronya couldn't help but sigh."It's really no different from a human. Only Mr. Swarovski doesn't talk. I guess no one would think he's a robot."

Clara and Bronya were both praising him, but Lin Ye felt an indescribable weirdness.

Because Swarovski's image was too familiar to Lin Ye.

"Mr. Swarovski, can you tell me why you are like this now?"Lin Ye asked in a low voice.

Swarovski shook his head and pointed to a Coke can on Lin Ye's desk that was squeezed and deformed.

"Swarovski has no aesthetic ability, so he randomly picked a male image, hahahaha. (Machine sound)"

That Coke can was from the system rebate before. The Coke inside had been drunk by Lin Ye, leaving only the shriveled Coke can.

It was the Pepsi endorsed by Brother Kun.

At this time, Brother Kun's handsome face was facing the direction of Swarovski's finger.

"So...so you are going to become like this, right?"

"This person can't be changed just because you want him to."

"Aren’t you afraid of a lawyer’s warning letter?"

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