"Why? Is there anything wrong with Mr. Swarovski's current image?" Clara asked doubtfully.

"Mr. Swarovski's face now belongs to a very great celebrity. His biggest feature is that he has a group of diligent little black men around him."Lin Ye said helplessly

"It's a bit troublesome to walk in the universe with this face"

"But this machine has a 30-day cooling time, so even if I want to change it now, I can't do it."

Lin Ye waved his hand and sighed.

If he really wanted to blame someone, he was also to blame.

He shouldn't have put the can with Brother Kun's head on the pallet, and he should have thrown away the Coke cans.

"That's it. Brother Kun's influence in StarCraft shouldn't be that great."

"Just stay in Xianzhou during this period and try not to go out. According to my observations over the past three years, Xianzhou is not that averse to Brother Kun."


Lin Ye then added two more sentences.

As an honest seller, these things must be explained clearly to the users.

After everything was said, Lin Ye began to explain to Swarovski.

Among the remaining treasures, there is a chip-like thing that can be said to be specially prepared for Swarovski.

Chips are something that can only be used by robots. If other people draw them, they can't use them.

Of course, if it is a rebate from the system, it must be another matter, after all, it will be modified by the system.

"This chip contains a powerful function called liquid transformation, which comes from the top robot terminator T-1000."

Speaking of this T-1000, Lin Ye's impression is still quite deep.

In the world of Terminator, this T-1000 can be said to be the top robot.

At that time, it tortured the T-800 played by Schwarzenegger very badly.

Although the liquid change is just a function, it is actually a thorough body transformation for a robot.

After adding this chip, all the components of the body will be converted into liquid metal.

With this liquid body, any damage can be randomly restored. At that time, the t-1000 was shot in the head, and it could be directly restored.

Those bullet fragments will also be converted into new liquid metal after entering the body to strengthen itself.

The most exciting thing is that this liquid metal body can also be integrated into any form of liquid to achieve rapid movement, and it is completely easy to penetrate walls.

In fact, in such a high-level world of Star Iron, just such a skill alone cannot affect the combat power too much.

At best, it is a powerful auxiliary role. But the user happens to be Swarlow, who has explosive combat power. With this skill, he is completely like a tiger with wings, which is equivalent to obtaining the top defense means.

"Received! Run the loader now."

Without any hesitation, Swarovski directly inserted the chip into his central control system.

The robot's thinking is relatively simple. After several judgments, Swarovski's intelligent system has come to the conclusion that the things in Lin Ye's blind box are all treasures.

As long as Lin Ye says it can be used, he can use it with confidence.

"The chip has been loaded, and the function has been acquired."

After the chip was loaded, it started to work instantly.

Swarovski's body began to change dramatically. The simulated body he had just obtained began to slowly turn into a metallic color, and the whole person turned into a silver metal man.

Then his body began to gradually melt and turned into a pool of liquid, slowly crawling on the ground.

"Mr. Swarovski!" Clara was really scared this time."Big brother, what did you do to Mr. Swarovski?"

Bronya on the side also frowned and said,"How could this happen? Swarovski actually melted."

"Are you people in Yalilo so anxious? Just wait and see."Lin Ye waved his hand and said,"Siwaro didn't ask just now, so I didn't say much."

"The most practical function of this liquid transformation function is that it can change its shape at will."

As soon as the voice fell, the pool of metal liquid on the ground turned into the shape of a stool and moved to Clara's side.

"This... is really amazing." Clara's eyes lit up."But is this still Mr. Swarovski?"

"Now his body has been completely replaced by liquid metal, but the control core is still exactly the same as before."Lin Ye said."Your Yaliluo mechanical creations are too backward, and you have to accept the technology of the new era."

The pool of liquid suddenly began to expand, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a human form.

The image of the giant Kun brother reappeared in front of everyone.

"Shiwaro thanks you. (Machine voice)"

Shiwaro bowed directly to Lin Ye

"Lin Ye, the two things you provided are useful to me. My body has been significantly strengthened now."

"In the future, I will be able to rule the entire lower zone."

"You're welcome. There are still a lot of these things in the blind box. As long as you keep opening the blind box, you can continue to become stronger."Lin Ye smiled and said

"For example, this thing is actually a very good treasure. Don't forget it."

Lin Ye pointed to the only mess left on the table.

From the beginning, Swarovski ignored it because it looked too shabby. It was just a bunch of bottles and jars tied with steel wire.

"This? Swarlow doesn't think this thing is a treasure, because I have seen many similar things in the garbage dump in Rivet Town. (Machine sound)"

""Mr. Swarovski, how can you say that?" Lin Ye retorted."This is the ultimate weapon that combines ten kinds of killing weapons into one."

"I want 3000 lives for you!"

"This weapon has ten functions at the same time, including a pistol, poison, and insecticide, and you say it is not a treasure?"

"……"Shiwaro scratched his head in embarrassment."These functions are not practical."

Lin Ye continued to shake his head.

"Mr. Swarlow, you can't just keep fighting and killing all day."

"The interstellar world is not only about fighting and killing, but also about human relationships."

"With this weapon, you can weed, spray pesticides, repair, dig mountains, and fill roads for your planet."Lin Ye said seriously."The future of Yalilo needs you to build it, Mr. Swarovski."

""Hehehe." Swarovski was just grinning, but he didn't mean to equip the Death 3000 right away.

Instead, he put it away directly.

Lin Ye felt a little disappointed.

He really wanted to see what the giant Kun brother looked like when equipped with the Death 3000.

To a certain extent, this kind of robot is hard to fool. Once it has determined a certain behavior plan, it will not be easily influenced by others.

But he was too lazy to explain it anymore. It is the customer's freedom to use the treasure.

The initial version of the Death 3000 is definitely useless, but the Death 3000 after the system modification is definitely not as bad as imagined.

In the future, Swarovski will definitely be glad that he drew this treasure.

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