The power of this force is so strong that it is impossible to describe it in words.

An invisible wall of air was erected in front of Lin Ye.

Fen Feng's fist felt like it was hitting an extremely hard wall.

In an instant, he felt that his arm seemed to be broken into pieces. It even made his nerves all over his body hurt.

Years of war experience made Fen Feng very clear about what power represents. That is the power that only the Star God level can possess. It is even far above the Star God level!

Because he once fought with the Star God of Destruction, he knew very well what the power of the Star God level felt like.


Feng Feng's voice exuded strong fear and shock.

"Who are you?"

At this time, Lin Ye's face showed an extremely arrogant smile.

It seemed like an attitude of contempt for all living beings.

It was really hard to connect this expression with the smiling blind box owner before.

But think about it, it makes sense. Can a person who sells all kinds of rare treasures be an ordinary person?

"who I am?"

"I am your father!"

"I have made it very clear before, if you come to buy blind boxes, I will welcome you. But if you come to mess things up, then die."

Lin Ye has actually been patient for a long time.

He just wanted to take action countless times and kill this great lord in seconds.

It's just that before that, although Fen Feng was looking for trouble, it was still within the service scope of blind box sales.

Customers choose to pay in cash, which is acceptable.

Customers are picky, which is also acceptable.

Even if customers accidentally mess up the shelves, it is acceptable.

Lin Ye can't do it at will, otherwise who would dare to buy blind boxes in the future.

But Fen Feng finally chose to do it, which is unacceptable.

Beating up the boss because of dissatisfaction with the product is illegal in any world!

Of course, this is just a reasonable explanation Lin Ye gave himself.

If you follow your heart.

He just thinks it would be more satisfying to endure it first and then pretend.

He finally made a move, and he had to pretend to be awesome.

Only in this way can it have a deterrent effect on some people with ulterior motives in the future.


Fen Feng, the great Lord of Extinction who destroyed countless planets, was called son directly.

Under such great humiliation, he dared not talk back.

He could only stand there trembling, taking a defensive posture, waiting for Lin Ye's attack.

But Lin Ye did not stand up at all, still lying on his side in the rocking chair, yawning.

Do it!

Why don't you do it.

Lin Ye's hesitation to do it made Fen Feng feel uncomfortable and even more panicked.

You bastard, you are so arrogant, why don't you do it.

After a moment, Lin Ye's mouth corners raised.

Then he pouted.

He exhaled lightly forward.


A violent wind suddenly arose in the room.

The powerful force directly hit Fen Feng's body.

In this force, he even felt countless attribute changes.

Like fire, like wind, like ice.

This breath contained all the power modes of the star path.

"How is it possible!"

The armor on his body was shattered, and he flew backwards.

Like a floating straw, he was blown directly into Xuanye Street.


It seems that the force has not stopped.

Fen Feng is still flying.

He was smashed into Changletian like a bullet. He broke through the walls of several houses.

Then he continued to fly.

He flew over Huixing Port, Taibusi, and Tiance Mansion.

Everywhere he passed was a mess.


Lin Ye took this extinction lord on a tour around Luofu.

But the powerful force still showed no signs of stopping.

Fenfeng flew directly out of the sky gate of Luofu Immortal Boat.

Flying into the endless starry sky.

Flying directly to the interstellar base of the antimatter army.

Then it penetrated one fleet after another.

Wherever it went, the spacecraft broke through the hole and fell.

If it encountered an unlucky virtual soldier, it would be directly killed by this powerful force.

Finally, Fenfeng flew back to the mothership of the army.

Covered in blood, he fell to the ground powerlessly.


""Great Lord!"

The few virtual soldiers in the cabin were all shocked.

They had followed their boss to do evil in the universe for so many years, and they had only seen the boss bully others, but they had never seen the boss himself in such a miserable state.

At this time, Fenfeng was already unconscious and unable to move.


On the other side, on Xuanye Street, countless people stood outside Lin Ye's door.

Like soldiers saluting, they stood still, dumbfounded.

Looking at the long gullies on the ground and the cracks on the surrounding walls

, everyone saw the scene clearly.

These civilians did not understand what fate or fighting power was. They only knew that Lin Ye blew away a troublemaker with a light breath.

"Was that Lin Ye just now? The carefree Lin Ye?"

"How is that possible? That kid was the one that Tingyun pinched his ears and taught a lesson."

"You are blind and fail to recognize the real master. There are many experts among the common people."

"Lin Ye is just like a monk sweeping the floor!"

Everyone was talking about it.

Some people even had a horrible feeling.

Especially those who had spoken rudely to Lin Ye before.

Jing Yuan and others were also standing outside the door, and they couldn't recover from their emotions for a long time.

"Fu Qing, I didn't see it wrong just now, Boss Lin Ye defeated the beautiful monarch in one breath."Jing Yuan watched infatuatedly.

Fu Xuan swallowed his saliva with a gulp, and his expression no longer had the previous arrogance. There was only admiration in his eyes.

"It seems to be the case, General... Lin Ye's strength is far superior to yours."

"He is naturally above me, and even above you, Fu Qing"


"I have always been respectful to Boss Lin Ye, but you always make things difficult for him."Jing Yuan's face showed a hint of smugness. Yukong, Ji Zi, and Bronya looked at Lin Ye with even more different eyes.

"With such a powerful person around, what disaster can't be solved?"

"With such a powerful person around, what star core crisis can’t be solved?"

"With such a powerful person here, what about Yaliluo?"

After a moment of collective silence, everyone rushed into Lin Ye's store without any prior agreement.

"Brother Ye, I want to buy a blind box and make an appointment in advance for next week"

"Brother Ye…..Can you come with me to the planet Yalilo?"

"Lin Ye~ I will cancel your purchase restriction order for blind boxes now. From now on, you can sell it to whoever you want. Our grudges are written off."

The most outrageous thing is Jing Yuan, who actually ran directly in front of Lin Ye and said loudly

"Brother Lin Ye, I hope you can join Liu Yu"

"Being just a blind box merchant is a waste of your talent."

Lin Ye smiled leisurely and waved his hand casually.

"General, everyone has their own ambitions. I just want to sell blind boxes safely."

"Other things, I'm not interested at the moment"

"Do you want to open the blind box now?"

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