Hearing Lin Ye's answer, Jing Yuan was more or less disappointed.

Lin Ye is really a talent if he doesn't even need the invitation letter from Luofu Xianzhou Liuyu.

Luofu Xianzhou is the head of the entire Xianzhou Alliance, and Luofu Liuyu represents the highest power of the entire Xianzhou Alliance to a certain extent.

Joining Liuyu also means that you can become a leader of the six departments, in charge of a department similar to Yunqijun and Tianbosi, and Fu Xuan and Yukong are on an equal footing.

To reach such a position, money is also not lacking.

Most people would wake up laughing in their dreams when they know that they can join one of the six emperors of Xianzhou, but Lin Ye refused.

And it was a very decisive refusal, without any dragging of feet. It can be clearly seen from his eyes that he is very resistant to this matter.

This makes Jing Yuan very curious about Lin Ye's purpose. Such a person with the strength of a star god stays in Xuanye Daye every day to do business. This is too much of a waste of talent.

And wouldn't it be nice for Lin Ye to keep these rare treasures in the blind box for himself?

Why should we share it with others like doing charity?

Actually, Jing Yuan had guessed about this matter before.

He thought that it might be because Lin Ye’s own strength was relatively low, and he had a bunch of rare treasures but couldn’t use them, so he sold them in the form of blind boxes.

But after seeing Lin Ye’s true strength today, this guess was shattered.

Little did he know that he was completely over-interpreting. The reason why Lin Ye didn’t join the Xianzhou Liuyu was actually because he couldn’t leave the blind box shop.

Once he went out, he would be exposed immediately.

By then, it would not be him who could instantly kill the lord. It was estimated that anyone at the level of a envoy could pin him to the ground and rub him.

"Brother Lin Ye, I will open the blind box now without further delay."

Jing Yuan was already standing in front of the counter, and the credit points could be transferred early.

He no longer wanted to consider the logic of Lin Ye's behavior, which was not important at all. It was a blessing for Luofu that such a person could stay in Luofu, and it was a blessing for Jing Yuan that he could keep selling blind boxes.

The more blind boxes he opened, the faster he would become a star god.

With strong strength, he could naturally solve the disaster of abundance and even find his master Jing Liu.

"No problem, how are you going to open the box this time? Single draw or ten consecutive draws?"

Before, Jing Yuan still had the leisure to draw one by one, because at that time the main purpose of everyone opening the box was to help Walter find the Dark Dark Fruit.

Now they have long forgotten about Lao Yang's matter, and opening the box to make themselves stronger is the kingly way.

This kind of thing can't waste time at all.

"It must be ten consecutive draws!"

Seeing Jing Yuan so determined, Lin Ye smiled slightly.

"General, I also want to remind you of one thing. Maybe you have recognized my Wanjie blind box during this period, but I still have to tell you that as long as it is a blind box, there is a probability problem."

"I can only guarantee that you will never lose, but whether you can draw something you really like depends on your luck."

Jing Yuan kept nodding his head, his expression firm.

"Brother Ye, Luofu is facing a big problem now. The evil creature of abundance has not been solved, and our battle with the evil spirit is still going on."

"If possible, I hope you can make my luck better."

Jing Yuan now called Lin Ye Brother Ye, which made Lin Ye feel awkward.

And his inexplicable remarks made Lin Ye feel a little funny.

It was obvious that Jing Yuan always felt that Lin Ye had tampered with whatever appeared in the blind box.

"General, I have explained this more than once, the things in the blind box were really not put in by me."

After saying this, Lin Ye also symbolically sighed.

"Brother Lin Ye, Fen Feng drew two blind boxes from you and they were both garbage. You said it was not controlled by you, will anyone believe it?"

Lin Ye laughed awkwardly, not knowing how to explain it.

What was opened in the blind box was indeed controlled by someone, but it was not Lin Ye, but the profiteer system.

"Brother Ye, you don't need to say more, just let me open the box now."

Lin Ye sighed again.

It was obvious that Jing Yuanyuan was a little crazy now.

He put ten blind boxes in front of Jing Yuan, and Jing Yuan couldn't wait to open them all.

【Purify Ether X20】

【Surrogate doll X2】

【Five-star Relic X1】

【Tear of the Goddess X1】

【Saiyan Transformation X1】

【Amul milk X1】

【Travel Information X10】

【Private chat speaker X1】

【Colorless small crystal X100】

【Adventure Record X1]

Ten golden lights rose into the sky one after another, and a bunch of treasures appeared on the table.

Jing Yuan was lucky this time, and several unusual things appeared.

【Substitute Doll: A strange ninja tool from a mysterious world. The substitute doll can protect your safety. Carrying it on your body can protect the user from a fatal attack.】

【Tear of the Goddess: A magical artifact from Summoner's Rift. Each time a combat skill is used, a portion of the energy value will be returned, and the user's total energy value limit will be permanently increased, up to a maximum of 50% of the user's initial maximum energy value.%】

【Saiyan Transformation: A mysterious item from the Saiyan planet that allows the user to transform into a Saiyan. After the transformation, the user's various abilities will be greatly enhanced, and their hair will turn into a yellow color that is very Shamatte.】

【Colorless small crystals: basic items from a certain dungeon world. Each time you release a skill, a certain amount of colorless small crystals will be consumed. After the system transformation, the small crystals become a prop that can replace energy value.】

【Private chat speaker: a chat prop that can be used to send messages to friends】

"General, there are a lot of good things this time. Which one would you like me to explain to you first?"

"It's all right, everything is up to Brother Ye."

Jing Yuan's sudden politeness made Lin Ye quite uncomfortable, but at the same time he was secretly happy.

You know, earlier, Jing Yuan threatened to teach Lin Ye a lesson if he found that Lin Ye was not honest.

Now he said that everything is up to Brother Ye.

It can be seen that Lin Ye's move brought much more potential benefits than he imagined.

If the business is so smooth in the future, and customers treat the boss like God, it will be really comfortable.

"Ahem, General, please don't be so polite."

"You are probably hundreds of times older than me, I really don't want to take advantage of you... But if you find it easy to call me that, then I can only accept it with pleasure."

"Since you didn't ask for anything, I'll introduce you to the treasures you found this time according to my ideas."

Lin Ye first put the Goddess's Tears and the colorless small crystals together.

"I'll start with these two things, which are similar in some ways."

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