Jiang Chen must have fainted in the end, and the second elder was almost recovered from his injuries.

But suddenly I heard a burst of fighting sounds. At this moment, I was a little confused. Why was there such a sound of fighting outside? I must have decided at this time that I must go and take a look.

One thing that I didn't expect was that Jiang Chen would faint at this time. How surprised he was. He never thought that Jiang Chen would faint at this time.

Now that everyone has fainted, I must have been thinking about what I should do at this time.

And at this moment, some people were seen, and they were planning to deal with him. The second elder must have rushed over directly.

The purpose of rushing over like this is very simple, that is to be able to defeat this person.

I believe that I can defeat this person, and I must have already gone to help Jiang Chen in his fight at this time.

The old man never thought that he could not beat the second elder. He originally thought he could beat him, but then he realized that his strength was so poor.

"I originally thought I could beat you, but then I realized that I couldn't beat you at all. Look at your strength, you are indeed quite strong."

This person must have said such a sentence before. The old man was very angry at this time.

Because the old man thought that he could beat this second elder, but at this moment he discovered that he Even the second elder couldn't beat this, let alone Jiang Chen, because Jiang Chen's strength is also quite high.

"I originally thought you were so powerful, but I didn’t expect it to be this much. I originally thought you couldn’t beat Jiang Chen, but you should be able to beat me, but then I discovered that you actually Even I can't beat him."

The old man suddenly heard what the second elder said. He must have been very angry now. Unfortunately, there is nothing he can do no matter how angry he is. At this moment, he feels too bitter in his heart. Yes.

I never thought that the second elder would be so powerful. Even if I want to find the second elder now, I should still have some difficulties. It is quite difficult to be here.

"I really just feel helpless, you know? One thing I never thought about is that you are actually better than me. Why do you do this?"

When the second elder heard what the old man said, we all knew what the old man was thinking, so we already told him.

"Why am I better than you? Isn’t it because my cultivation is higher than yours? In this case, I'd better go back and don't continue to embarrass myself here. You are still the leader of the men in black."

He originally thought that this person was the leader of the men in black and should be very powerful. Indeed, he found out at this time that he was not very powerful at all.

So at this time, he had already decided on one thing, that is I plan to contact the second elder's sect. I believe that if I contact him now, we should be able to succeed. I can't deal with him by myself, but others should be able to deal with them on their own.

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