Yulingzong must have been a little unwilling to care about this matter at this time, because he felt that the essence of many things was……

"Regarding this matter, I don’t think it is necessary to continue like this. I think we are still like this at this moment.……"

But the big rise must have wanted to tell this person something at this time, that is, there is actually some relationship between this matter and the second elder.

The other elders must have felt quite helpless at this time. The great elder must have acted according to the situation, and the instructor was also very angry at this time.

This Patriarch never thought that the Second Elder would do such a thing, which really surprised him.

It was also at this time that everyone felt that since this person had done such a thing, how could he let him go? Anyway, it was absolutely impossible for him to let him go.

And I will let him know that I am so powerful at this moment, and I must have decided to deal with him in this way.

The subsequent person must have decided to help the old man in black, believing that he could definitely defeat them all, and he had already gone to help the old man in black at this time.

After going to help the old man in black, he must have been here to make some schemes and the like at this time, and he also had to find some people. He couldn't just go to him alone.

If you fight alone, how can you find this person? There is no way...

The great elder is already here at this time and has been staring at this Patriarch. He really wants to know what the Patriarch is doing at this time. What is the plan?

Grandmaster must have spoken to the old man in black at this time, and said some things, which must be about how they should capture them next.

"I think these people are really too cunning. If we go as usual, I think our final result will still be the same, so we must be careful this time"

"I think what you said makes sense."

Since what he said makes sense, they must prepare well this time.

As long as they are ready, they can go After doing what you want to do well, and then at this time, you have already decided to go……

"I think this time, let the great elder set off in person. What do you think? Anyway, I think this is pretty good."

After this person said such a sentence, the other people must have nodded and felt that it was pretty good.

Then they must have decided to let the great elder set off in person. The Great Elder didn't have any objections at this time. Although he couldn't defeat Jiang Chen, he should be able to defeat the Second Elder.

"If this is the case, then you all can rest assured. I will definitely be able to capture the second elder. Although he and I are from the same sect, this person has really betrayed us. If this is the case, we It is absolutely impossible to allow the betrayer to stay here."

It's definitely impossible for them to let such a person stay in such a place.

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