The Patriarch must have been extremely angry at this time. He had never thought that Jiang Chen's strength would be so high.

I never thought that Jiang Chen would get rid of all these people. They must all be speechless now.

But no matter how speechless you are, what can you do? Then the ancestor has already decided, that is, he will bring people here in person.

"Since this young man is so powerful, I already had an idea at this time. Then I would personally take people to meet him for a while. I wanted to see how powerful this person was. sharp."

This person must have said such a sentence. Then they must have found Jiang Chen and planned to confront Jiang Chen.

"I thought it was so powerful, but now it seems like it is nothing more than that."

He must have said such a sentence after that, but after he finished speaking, he found that Jiang Chen's spiritual power seemed to be much higher than his.

It must have been at this time. They were already a little shocked, because they were here the same age. Logically speaking, their strength should be higher than Jiang Chen's, but now they found that they were so much lower than Jiang Chen's.

"I originally thought that I would be much lower than you, but now I found out that I was so much higher than you, which really surprised me."

The Patriarch said this at this time anyway, because he had met many, many people, but this was the first time he met someone like Jiang Chen.

It was at this moment that Jiang Chen felt It's really amazing, and what kind of method did Jiang Chen use to reach this level of cultivation so quickly? He really wanted to know.

"Although my spiritual power is superior to yours, so what? I just want to give you one word of advice: you'd better not come and fight me. After all, if you fight me, you will only lose."

Anyway, if the person in front of him fights with him, he will lose.

Jiang Chen must have taken a step forward now, and he especially hopes that the person in front of him who can improve will not continue to stay here.

Because I didn't want to see him at all, but one thing I didn't expect was that this guy was still here.

And he even walked up to Jiang Chen and asked how Jiang Chen was doing. Cultivated.

Because for this patriarch, he also longs for this power. In his life, this is the first time he has seen someone with a higher spiritual power than himself.

Jiang Chen Suddenly hearing these words from the master, he was shocked at this moment.

Because he never thought that the master would say these words. At this time, Jiang Chen had already decided, then Just don't pay attention to it anymore, because no matter how much you say, it won't mean anything, so you should leave quickly. It must be that he didn't pay attention to it this time. Jiang Chen must have been very cool after that, and he just planned to leave like this. As the saying goes, just as I came quietly, I will leave quietly.

However, the ancestor still wanted to ask Jiang Chen carefully, because he really wanted to know what caused it.

He must have always been He was chasing after Jiang Chen, and he was the kind that never gave up.

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