The patriarch must have sought advice here at this time.

The purpose is very simple, that is, Jiang Chen, who will follow Jiang Chen after asking for advice, must already know what this person wants to do at this time.

Jiang Chen must have seen it at this time. This organization has been following him. At this moment, he felt a little bored. He really hoped that this person could leave quickly and stop following him.

"How much I hope you can leave now and stop following me."

This person must have already said such a sentence. When such a sentence is said, Jiang Chen must have already said it by now.……

"Actually, I just want to tell you something, you know? How I wish you could continue to follow me here, there is no use if you continue to follow me like this."

The Patriarch must have felt Jiang Chen's annoyance at this time, but he still wanted to chase after him because he felt that Jiang Chen was really too powerful, and he was obviously a Patriarch at this stage. , but found that his spiritual power was not as high as that of a young man like him.

"I have never thought that my spiritual power is not as high as yours, because I feel that I am already this age, and you are still so young. Logically speaking, it should be the other way around.."

So at this time, he just wanted to ask Jiang Chen why he was so powerful. Jiang Chen suddenly heard the old man in front of him say such a sentence, and he must have felt speechless right now..

It was also at this time that I told the founder that I just practiced it casually, so it would become like this.

"Did you say that you practiced casually and ended up becoming so powerful? It really surprised me, because I never thought that I could be so good just by practicing casually."

Jiang Chen also felt at this moment that this Patriarch was too naive, so he just said this casually, but he didn't expect that this guy had already... and it was so easy. It was really surprising to believe him.

At this time, Grandmaster felt that Jiang Chen was really too powerful. He had never met anyone as powerful as Jiang Chen, so he must have At this time, everyone had already glanced at Jiang Chen.

"I really just think you are too powerful. I never thought you were so powerful."

The Patriarch has also said such words. Jiang Chen heard what he said. In fact, to be honest, he felt a little bit regretful about what he said.

Because he always felt as if he had deceived someone. Just like everyone else, Jiang Chen had already taken a look. The host also decided at this time, or tell the founder the truth. Even if he told him the truth at this time, he He will continue to pester himself.

Unexpectedly, the Patriarch took out another book at this time, which looked like a secret book. He could see what was in his hand, and he was a little confused.

Unexpectedly, the Patriarch actually took out this secret book. It was handed over to Jiang Chen. When Jiang Chen saw that it was a martial arts secret book, Jiang Chen refused.

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