The Patriarch must have already begged Jiang Chen at this time, that is, begging Jiang Chen to practice. He was just a short step away from being able to kneel down and work together to beg Jiang Chen to practice.

"I really hope you can practice now. If you don’t practice, I will be here begging you all the time. So you don’t want me to beg you all the time. Just practice.."

Jiang Chen suddenly heard such a sentence from his ancestor. It must have been at this time. He was helpless and had already opened it at this time, but found something very important. The thing is that the things inside cannot be figured out by oneself.

He has never thought that the things inside cannot be figured out by oneself. He originally thought that he could not figure it out, but at this time he found that it was impossible to figure out.

"I have to say that the content here is indeed somewhat useful, and I just think the calligraphy of these things is relatively advanced."

After the Patriarch suddenly heard what Jiang Chen said, he must have understood at this time that Jiang Chen should be very interested in this thing. If he is not interested in this thing, so what? Maybe...

Jiang Chen must have found it quite fun at this time. If this is the case, then he can practice the things here. Maybe after practicing, it will be of some help to him. Maybe. Definitely. It was also at this time that I discovered that the statements here were all in a very profound state, and I felt a little depressed.

But now, since I am already very good at this technique, If you are interested, then I should make good arrangements for An Miaomiao and the second general. I can't just leave the two of them alone. Anyway,

I definitely don't want to do it now. Being able to lose them all.

Jiang Chen must have already lost them all at this time.……

"By the way, I just want to study the calligraphy in my hand at this moment. I may not be able to see you in a short period of time. What I want to say to you this time is , I want to place you two in this other place, what do you think?"

Because Jiang Chen has his own things to be busy with, he already had this plan at this time and wanted to arrange the two of them somewhere else.

The purpose of arranging them to another place now is also It's very simple, that is to ensure that he can be safe, because the place he is looking for is definitely quite safe.

The two people suddenly heard what Jiang Chen said and looked at each other. When they saw each other, An Miaomiao really didn't expect that.Chen actually planned to arrange for both of them to go away.

In fact, both of them can also accompany Jiang Chen, as long as Jiang Chen is willing, but it is too difficult to do now, so he should not be willing to do so. Since he is not willing, then they must be able to do it.……

"In fact, we originally wanted to accompany you, but you have your own things to do, so you can arrange for the two of us to leave. You will come back to us when you are done."

An Miaomiao must have said this as a reminder, and Jiang Chen must have nodded when he heard it.

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