The old man was beaming, dancing, and chattering non-stop:"When the time comes, I will book the best place and invite the most expensive ones... By the way, there will also be food, which must be the freshest of the day, and must be served by the whole city. Everyone, take a look, our new ancestor"

"The Grandmaster's appearance cannot be low, it must be the most luxurious."

The more he talked, the more excited he became, and the scenes he described became more and more exaggerated.

Halfway through the sentence, Lao Pao suddenly remembered something, clapped his hands fiercely, and exclaimed:"I remember that the Wang family in the east of the city got a new batch of extreme weapons. I heard that good medicinal materials have never been sold because they are too expensive. This banquet can be bought to make medicinal meals."

Everyone present had heard about the batch of medicinal materials, and they were all shocked.

The medicinal materials were indeed good, but the price was really high.

Jiang Chen felt that the old pao was getting more and more outrageous, so he quickly interrupted his long speech.:

"Old Pao, I don’t think there is a need for so many. If it is too high-profile, people will say it is a waste of money and people. I don’t want to be said to be extravagant and wasteful when I first get to this position."

He couldn't directly refuse Lao Pao, so he had to persuade him to reduce the size of the banquet and make it less eye-catching.

In Jiang Chen's eyes, these are external things, and there is no need to make them so grand. Even if it is Whether it is or not, he doesn't care much.

But Lao Pao doesn't think so.

His ideas are almost opposite to Jiang Chen's.

In Lao Pao's heart, this banquet must be unprecedented and no one can surpass it.

So as soon as he heard Jiang Chen's words, he immediately refused without hesitation:"How is that possible! You are our ancestor and our face. No one can be without pomp, but yours must be grand and grand."

Lao Pao was planning on his own.

"There also seems to be a stick of top-quality ginseng in the warehouse that I have been reluctant to use. I think it is stored dry anyway, so I might as well take it out and use it. It is just worthy of the reputation of the ancestor."

"After a while, I will send someone to rush to the beach overnight to purchase a batch of the best seafood. I will hurry up and we should be able to arrive tomorrow morning.……"

The old man kept talking.

He was planning this banquet very seriously.

Just from Lao Pao's tone, you can hear how much he cares about Jiang Chen's banquet.

Jiang Chen's head grew more and more dizzy the more he listened.

From the bottom of his heart, he didn't want to make such a big noise, but he couldn't refuse the veteran

""Lao Pao, wait a minute," Jiang Chen thought for a while, and finally interrupted Lao Pao:"You really don't need so many things. I understand your good intentions, but this is too time-consuming and labor-intensive.""

It can even be said to be extravagant and wasteful.

But Jiang Chen didn't dare to say this.

Lao Pao paused for two seconds and sighed:"But Grandmaster should be worthy of such a pomp! This is because I have reduced many items without mentioning them, otherwise it will only be more magnificent."

He has experience in this kind of thing. So he said it with confidence.

Jiang Chen waved his hands quickly.

He looked at Lao Pao with a wry smile:"But it's really not necessary, Lao Pao, if you don't agree to make it simpler for me, then I will I won’t go to this party!"

The protagonists are not present. No matter how gorgeous the banquet is, it has lost its own meaning.

Lao Pao naturally understands this truth. He was stunned for a long time and then nodded helplessly:"Okay, then I will make it simple. Yes, but you have to come!"

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