Now that his goal has been achieved, Jiang Chen no longer hesitates and readily agrees with Lao Pao.

Lao Pao happily ran to prepare for the banquet.

He invested all the manpower and material resources he could mobilize, and the banquet started smoothly the next night.

Lao Pao invited many famous people, so the banquet was very lively.

This scene made Lao Pao very satisfied

"Why haven't you started yet?"

Lao Pao didn't come on stage for a long time, and the banquet never officially started.

After waiting for a long time, some people couldn't sit still and started chatting.

"Isn't that right? I just went for a walk and found that all the famous people who should come have come. Who are you waiting for?"

"I don’t know, Lao Pao has been standing there with Lao Shen, and no one around him has stopped. Maybe he can’t leave, so he didn’t start?"

They started discussing in a flurry.

At this time, a guest came over to Lao Pao, and he told them helplessly:"I just asked Lao Pao, and he said that there is still one person who hasn't come. Please pay attention to the door for a while. Let's see who comes out from there later"

Then we will know who kept them waiting for so long.

Everyone nodded one after another and focused their attention on the door.

After a while, there was a sudden commotion at the door.

Jiang Chen walked into the room unhurriedly.

He sighed silently in his heart. Although he had asked Lao Pao to keep a low profile, in the end, it was still so lively.

It seemed that his warning had no effect.

Jiang Chen looked around, he was looking for Lao Pao

"Hey, I thought it was some big shot with such a big reputation who delayed the start of the entire banquet and made so many prominent people wait. It turns out it was you who was such a clown!"

Someone recognized Jiang Chen and began to taunt him in a weird way.

Since someone started this, more people will immediately follow suit. There will never be a shortage of people for such things as teasing.

"How could someone like this come to such a banquet? I think he wasn't the one Lao Pao waited for at the end. He should have run in by himself, right?"

"Then the security measures at this banquet are not in place. Anyone can come in."

"I don't know where he got these clothes, but even if he wears expensive clothes, he still looks poor."

More and more people answered the call, and they talked more and more.

Jiang Chen listened to these words and remained calm on the surface.

At this time, Lao Pao also noticed the situation here.

He trotted over quickly, He stopped next to Jiang Chen.

Everyone's ridicule and accusations did not stop.

When Lao Pao heard this, he roared at people like me with a black face:"Shut up, everyone, who allows you to be so disrespectful to my guests?" ?"

He was very angry

"Old Pao, you are not mistaken, just for this one……"

Some people even expressed their dissatisfaction and prepared to 'reason'.

Lao Pao immediately interrupted him angrily:"I never thought that a group of unqualified people like you would come to my banquet. It was really my mistake."

He waved to the security personnel in the distance.

"My banquet does not need you duplicitous and slavish villains, please leave here! Otherwise, I will have someone drive you away."

Everyone felt the anger of Lao Pao.

The faces of those people became ugly one by one, and they began to feel annoyed.

Jiang Chen stopped Lao Pao's move:"Old Pao, it's okay, the visitor is a guest, and we are not chasing anyone away. reason."

He kept these people.

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