When Jiang Chen finished saying that he was going to take them out, everyone looked at each other in astonishment,"Jiang Chen, what's going on? You scolded them so harshly on weekdays, why are you taking them out now?"

When Jiang Chen went to pack his things, everyone gathered together and expressed their opinions on the matter.

One person exclaimed in a low voice:"You don't think he wants to take us out and kill us, right?" He made a gesture of wiping his neck with fear on his face.

"Bah, bah, bah, what are you talking about? He probably didn’t know when we scolded him. Besides, wouldn’t it be easy for him to kill us? Why would he take us out?"


Everyone was scratching their heads, but finally one person realized it and said, patting his thigh.

"I understand, he must know that we are dissatisfied with him, so I guess he wants to please us so that we will no longer be dissatisfied with him."

Although some people still doubted his statement, it seemed that this was the best explanation, so everyone nodded. Since he wanted to please them, they must cooperate well. Everyone showed strange smiles, secretly wondering what would happen to the Patriarch. To please them?

Everyone was elated, and some even couldn't help laughing.

Everyone was immersed in their own world, and they didn't realize that Jiang Chen had packed up his things and was standing next to them.

Jiang Chen touched his chin and looked at these people, Raising eyebrows, what happened to them?

One person noticed him first, coughed a few times, and everyone reacted,"I've seen the ancestor."No matter how much you scold him behind his back, you still have to be respectful in front of the Grandmaster.

Jiang Chen hummed and asked them to clean up.

The few people dispersed. Looking at their backs, Jiang Chen always felt that something was wrong, but I couldn't say anything.

When everyone had finished cleaning up and stood in front of the lobby, someone suddenly gritted his teeth, took a step forward, and said with a condescending face,"Master, please help me put down my things."

Jiang Chen looked at him in surprise, and everyone else looked at him with admiration.

Because he didn't know why, Jiang Chen looked at him suspiciously while taking the things.

Others didn't say anything when they saw Jiang Chen. , and even felt that the person who just said that the Patriarch was trying to please them was true, and they all handed him some of their necessary necessities.

"Eh? you?"No matter why he didn't know why, he also knew that these people were bossing him around, and he sneered in his heart. How could these people become so courageous? They usually only dared to scold him behind his back, but now they are using him as his subordinate?

No, the former Although these people have scolded him the most behind his back in the past few days, they are respectful and respectful on the surface. What's going on today? There have been such big changes. Do they think someone is supporting them? Who could it be?

Jiang Chen Chen couldn't think about it, so he stopped thinking about it for the time being. After all the luggage was arranged, he got on the carriage. But now when he got on the carriage, someone shouted,"Master, I forgot something. It's in my room. I'm sorry to bother you." Master, please help me."

Jiang Chen paused, then replaced his subordinates and came over,"Go and ask Lao Pao to come over, and tell him that I have something to tell him."After he finished speaking, he did not get on the carriage again, but stayed in front of the carriage, waiting for Lao Pao to come.

Seeing him like this, the man who yelled looked at the others in confusion,"Isn't the Grandmaster trying to please us? Why don't you do this little thing for me?"Others shook their heads.

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