Someone said:"Did we go too far? Grandmaster is angry?"

"No way, if that were the case, wouldn’t our heads be separated long ago?"

When everyone saw Lao Pao coming out, they became even more panicked and looked at each other in confusion. They didn't know what was waiting for them next? They saw Lao Pao walking up to Jiang Chen and the two of them started talking. What was said specifically, they couldn't hear clearly.

"Grandmaster, is there something wrong? Or do you regret it? Not planning to leave?"

Jiang Chen just asked his men to summon him without saying what was going on. If the ancestor really regretted it, he would be very happy.

"No, it’s just that these disciples seem to have misunderstood something. Some of their actions make me strange, as if they are bossing me around. I think no matter how much they scold me on weekdays, they still respect me on the surface, so it shouldn’t be like this. Bar?"Jiang Chen waved his hand and expressed his doubts.

Lao Pao was stunned for a moment, and then burst into laughter. These little bastards dare to order the current master, I'm afraid they will be itchy.

Jiang Chen knows that he What are you laughing at? He shrugged, expressing his helplessness.

Lao Pao patted his shoulder, looked at the crowd, and said loudly

"You are carefully selected by the Patriarch. He thinks that you are talents that can be developed, so he decided to take you out to practice and improve your experience. What you did to the Patriarch today are you dissatisfied with his decision? ?"

Everyone was confused. It turned out that they had thought wrong and were ashamed. They hoped that the Grandmaster would forget what they had done. Especially the person who took the lead had an ever-changing expression, fearing that the Grandmaster would remember him.

"No dissatisfaction! What we just did was not our fault. Master Wangzu is very tolerant and forgives us for what we did! It is our honor to follow our ancestor to experience it!"

No matter how scared you are, you still have to answer what you need to answer.

"Since there is no dissatisfaction, let’s set off now, right?"

Although everyone didn't know whether the Grandmaster would give them a stumbling block during the training because they scolded him before, but the old Pao said so, they had no choice but to accept the training.

But Jiang Chen didn't seem to want to let this happen. The matter passed easily, and he said playfully:"Didn't someone just say that something was left behind? Aren't you going to get it now?"

"No…no need."The man was so frightened that he stuttered.

Lao Pao came out to smooth things over,"Master Patriarch, where do you plan to go to practice?"

Jiang Chen thought for a while and remembered that the villagers at the foot of the mountain had reported that there were monsters appearing there, but they just never had time to go there.

"Just at the foot of the mountain, it's closer, and it can also help the villagers."

Lao Pao nodded. This is the best decision. As expected of the Patriarch, this move can not only temper these disciples, but also help the villagers and make them respect them. It kills two birds with one stone. Let the previous fun be in the past. Jiang Chen turned around He turned around and said to everyone:"From now on, we will set off to the foot of the mountain. Our mission is to help the villagers clean up the local monsters. Do you have any objections?""

He glanced at everyone. No one dared to speak for fear of offending the person in front of him.

"Since there are no objections, let’s go!"He looked at Lao Pao again.

Lao Pao patted his chest,"Don't worry, I will guard here."

Jiang Chen nodded, expressing his belief in him, and turned around and walked towards his carriage again.

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