"Dare I ask the hero's surname?"The village chief asked, cupping his hands.

"You dare not be a hero, Jiang Chen, we are the immortals here to rescue you."Jiang Chen replied with a smile.

The villagers were very excited when they heard about the Immortal Gate. They thought that others should have arrived at the Immortal Gate safely.

Now that the demon has been suppressed, the villagers have returned to their homes. Jiang Chen asked some disciples They sent medicine to them and treated them. Only the village chief and several village committee members accompanied Jiang Chen and everyone to re-check whether there were any remaining demons in the village. The village chief asked about the women and children. Jiang Chen was afraid that they would worry, so he told the story Say it again from the beginning

"We have heard that there are monsters at the foot of the mountain before, but we have never had time to come. Today, we are preparing to take some disciples out for training, so we decided to come to the village. We met the villagers along the way. Don't worry, we have already settled them. , but if we had come down earlier, you might have fewer casualties."

Jiang Chen still felt a little guilty when talking about this.

The village chief didn't expect him to say this. They were already very grateful to him,"Don't say that, heroes. We are all very grateful to you for coming to rescue us. If you don't come, we will He will not be killed by monsters, but he will also starve to death.

Jiang Chen waved his hand,"It's all a matter of effort, don't worry about it.""

The village chief was a little confused when he saw Jiang Chen walking towards the entrance of the village after inspecting the village,"My hero, is this? Jiang

Chen answered the question,"Now that the demon has been suppressed, our mission has been completed. The disciples and I agreed to gather at the entrance of the village. We are about to set off back to the mountain.""

"ah? Wouldn’t the hero stay in the village and have a meal?"Before the village chief said anything, a large number of villagers had already rushed over, including the disciples.

Jiang Chen looked at the villagers and saw the hope and gratitude in their eyes, but he still refused

"Let’s go back to the mountain to eat, so you don’t have to waste a lot of time. Some villagers said,"

How can we say this is a big waste of time?" Heroes, you saved us, we must repay you. We are all vulgar people, we can only repay you by letting you eat with us."

Jiang Chen hesitated. The villagers were warm and hospitable, but he felt that they could not accept it, so he refused and said,"I said, it is our responsibility and obligation to rescue you, and there is no need for you to repay us!"

Some villagers close to home saw that Jiang Chen was determined to leave without staying to eat, so they quickly ran home and took a large amount of money. They presented it to Jiang Chen and said,"My hero, since you have decided not to stay here to eat, how about taking it? Use the money to give the other little brothers a good meal."

Jiang Chen saw them like this and quickly took a few steps back."You don't need this money. You can keep it and live a good life. We are not short of money either."

"I know heroes are not short of money, but these are just our thoughts. Heroes, please let us repay you."

Jiang Chen saw that they insisted on doing this, so he changed his words,"You believe that respecting the Immortal Sect is the best reward for us, and we don't need any of this."

When the villagers heard what he said, they had no choice but to give up,"Of course we believe in and respect the Immortal Sect, but..."

Jiang Chen interrupted him,"Okay, our people are all gathered, it's time for us to leave. The village chief came out to smooth things over,"

Since you are so determined, heroes, let us watch you set off.""

Jiang Chen couldn't decide this matter, so he had to give in.

The horses and carriages had already been placed not far from the village, and they walked there.

The villagers watched them leave until they disappeared from sight.

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