Just now at the entrance of the village, Jiang Chen's actions impressed many disciples who usually dislike him. They have deep prejudice against Jiang Chen, and they did not expect that he would refuse the reward from the villagers.

Some disciples even wanted to take advantage of this experience to find fault with the new Patriarch in order to insult and ridicule him, but they did not expect that they saw that Jiang Chen was indeed repaying kindness with kindness and did not ask for anything from the villagers for rescuing them. Instead, the villagers refused all the rewards they offered him.

One of the disciples asked,"Master Patriarch, it's getting late now, and the villagers are so hospitable, why do they refuse so completely?"

Jiang Chen glanced at him,"We went to rescue them, what we are doing is They are so warm and hospitable, so we cannot accept their repayment with peace of mind."

"What about the money?

Jiang Chen thought he wanted the money and glared at him,"Are you helping them for money?" Do good deeds without asking for anything in return, let alone money."

The man asked again in frustration.

Some prejudices were gradually disappearing. Finally, someone was so ashamed that he couldn't face Jiang Chen. He walked to the front of the team and knelt down in front of Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen looked at him in confusion. He recognized him. He was one of the people who scolded him most harshly in private. What was he going to do? He saw the man kneeling and said,"I'm sorry, Grandmaster, when I was on the mountain, I said to you The misunderstanding is too deep, and I followed some people to insult you. After what happened today, I knew that my previous view of you was completely wrong, so I came to apologize. I hope that the ancestor will ignore the past grudges, be tolerant, and forgive my disciple. fault."

When he said these words, Jiang Chen looked at him in surprise, how could he change so quickly?

Not only that, other people also came forward one after another, knelt down, and talked about their faults one after another. Jiang Chen Chen looked at them with interest. Have they changed their gender? Now they know they were wrong?

"How did you misunderstand me before?"

"This..." The disciples looked at each other, not knowing what to say,"At that time, we believed that the death of the former Patriarch was related to you, and that the Patriarch killed the former Patriarch because he wanted to gain everything for the Immortal Sect.

Jiang Chen grinned," What about now?""

"Grandmaster not only repaid us with kindness, he was also kind to the villagers, doing good deeds without asking for anything in return."

"Will you still scold me behind my back from now on?"

Everyone looked at him in fear. They didn't expect that the Patriarch knew that they were insulting the Patriarch behind his back.

"Of course not!"

"Don't dare?"Jiang Chen joked

"Ah, no, I will not insult the Patriarch anymore, and let us hear whoever dares to insult the Patriarch, we will definitely make him suffer!"

"Yeah!"Everyone else agreed.

Jiang Chen smiled and asked them to stand up,"Okay, okay, now that you have this awareness, you are worthy of being the talent I picked out, and there is still room for improvement. Work hard."

Seeing that he forgave them so quickly, everyone looked at Jiang Chen with respect. This was no longer superficial respect like before, but respect from the bottom of their hearts.

Jiang Chen also discovered that they had respect for him. After thinking about it, I smiled in my heart. Sure enough, it was a good decision to bring these people here.

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