Because Jiang Chen refused to eat at a villager's house, they could only go to other places to see where to eat.

But there is a very critical problem - they have no money! Because they came down the mountain temporarily to catch monsters, they didn't bring any money with them. Now that they had refused to eat at the villagers' houses, how should they solve the lunch problem now?

But those disciples did not blame him. Instead, they thought he was very kind, even rejecting the kindness of the villagers in order not to trouble them.

But they were also a little confused, why didn't they agree? A meal is nothing. So since you didn't stay to eat, why didn't you give me money?

When one of the disciples was about to ask, Jiang Chen suddenly spoke. It turned out that when they were just discussing, Jiang Chen saw a tavern in front of him. The business looked good, and the taste must not be bad.

Seeing how hard they were working, Jiang Chen decided to take them to have a good meal.

When Jiang Chen told them the news, they cheered, but... they had no money!

But Jiang Chen does! Jiang Chen took out a wad of money from his pocket and said to them:"Don't worry, I have money, go in and reward you."

Then they all ran in, looking very happy.

Because Jiang Chen wanted to treat them to a nice meal, they temporarily forgot what they wanted to ask.

They entered the tavern, found a place to sit down, and then started ordering.

I ordered a lot, including pork knuckle, sausages, chicken legs, wine, etc. This good meal made them very happy.

They ordered a lot and ate a lot. They were discussing something while eating. Also played games.

They thought the taste of this tavern was really good, and they decided to come back to this tavern to eat next time they went down the mountain. One of them expressed this idea, and they all applauded, but will they do it again next time?

You can't say for sure, but if you come down with others, you can come to this pub to eat, because their food is really good. Even Jiang Chen thought it tasted good.

Then they excitedly discussed some of the things that happened today, how to catch monsters, and how to save the villagers. Because this was their first time going down the mountain to catch monsters, they were very excited and felt a sense of justice because they saved the villagers.

Jiang Chen thought it was normal, because Jiang Chen had often completed similar tasks before. It was precisely because Jiang Chen often completed tasks that he figured out a truth.

Originally, everyone was having a heated discussion. Suddenly, someone slapped his leg fiercely and remembered something: He also wanted to ask Jiang Chen why he didn't eat at the villagers' house.

Because his actions attracted everyone's attention, they all asked him what was wrong and what happened.

He then asked Jiang Chen:"Why don't you stay at the villagers' house for dinner? Although you may be afraid of them being in trouble, you help them catch monsters and subjugate them, so it's normal for you to have a meal."

Others heard Only then did they all remember, and everyone looked at Jiang Chen expectantly.

After Jiang Chen heard this, he paused and put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hands.

They all thought Jiang Chen was going to say something and were looking forward to it. But the reality disappointed them.

Jiang Chen didn't say anything, just shook his head, and then continued to pick up the bowls and chopsticks to eat.

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