Jiang Chen asked An Miaomiao to learn it no matter what. An Miaomiao collapsed and wanted to escape from the library. Jiang Chen stopped An Miaomiao and forced An Miaomiao to learn these medical skills no matter what. Jiang Chen began to encourage An Miaomiao:"An Miaomiao, Miaomiao, beautiful Miaomiao, I believe you can learn it! Look at your amazing bones, your kind-hearted nature, and your appearance of being like a fish and a goose, and a flower shy of the moon. I will definitely be able to learn these medical skills!"

An Miaomiao refused, but now she is fine. No matter how much Jiang Chen praised her, she ignored it:"I! Yes! No! Can! Can! Learn!! You will die this way! Take it easy. I'm going to have a meal, I say goodbye to you."

Jiang Chen was a little helpless, but he was unwilling to give up, so he had to compromise a little with An Miaomiao:"Sister Miaomiao, the situation is serious now, what is it like? You also know that it is now necessary for you to learn these medical skills to save them. How can you ignore it?"

An Miaomiao was shocked when he heard this. An Miaomiao suddenly remembered... An Miaomiao and Jiang Chen looked at each other. , the surroundings were surprisingly quiet. After a while, An Miaomiao said:"I understand, I am absolutely responsible for this matter."

Seeing An Miaomiao agreed, Jiang Chen was very happy. Jiang Chen put his hand on An Miaomiao's shoulder and said to An Miaomiao:"You are indeed my good brother!" After saying this, he whistled a few times proudly.

Everyone around him looked over, and some even glared at Jiang Chen, including An Miaomiao. Jiang Chen suddenly realized that he was still in the library! Jiang Chen quickly apologized to the people around him, thinking to himself: How embarrassing! I’m too embarrassed to see anyone! Hey!

An Miaomiao ignored Jiang Chen and sat on the chair to read these medical books seriously. Jiang Chen was also quite thick-skinned, so he laughed naively and sat on the chair opposite An Miaomiao. Jiang Chen was a little bored, so he walked around the library and touched the classical books. To be honest, Jiang Chen is a bit sneaky, like a book thief.

As a result, the current scene appeared: the library security personnel held electric batons behind him and asked him sternly:"Hey! What do you do! Do you want to steal books?" Jiang Chen was stunned and thought: I really Does he look like a book thief? Where can a book thief look so handsome?

Jiang Chen quickly explained to the library security personnel:"No, no, no, I am not stealing books. You misunderstood. I am just here to take a look."

The library security personnel did not believe him at all:"You are here You're sneaky, do you think I'm blind?! I'm warning you, don't play tricks!"

"Yes, yes, don’t dare. I really came here to read! My friend is over there!"Jiang Chen explained to the security personnel of the library and pointed at An Miaomiao. The security personnel took Jiang Chen to identify An Miaomiao. An Miaomiao explained to the security personnel that Jiang Chen was indeed her friend. The security personnel Then he left doubtfully.

"Hahahaha, Jiang Chen, you have today too! Book thief~" An Miaomiao started to joke about this matter. Jiang Chen was unwilling, but he had nothing to do.

"Jiang Chen, let me tell you something very strange. I guarantee that I have just been reading very, very, very carefully, but I don’t know why, I just can’t learn it. Can you help me find out, where is the problem?"An Miaomiao said to Jiang Chen after laughing at him.

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