Jiang Chen also felt very strange, why? An Miaomiao is considered talented and intelligent, so why can't she learn? Disappointment spread in An Miaomiao's heart, and she wanted to cry, but An Miaomiao held back.

Jiang Chen saw that An Miaomiao was a little negative and couldn't bear it, so he comforted An Miaomiao:"It's okay, it's okay An Miaomiao, let's learn slowly. Miaomiao, come on! You can definitely learn it, you She's the best!"

After hearing Jiang Chen's words, An Miaomiao felt better and threw herself into Jiang Chen's arms:"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Jiang Chen! Me! Me……"

Jiang Chen held An Miaomiao in his arms and gently touched An Miaomiao's head:"Oh, An Miaomiao, sister Miaomiao, little princess, little ancestor, can we stop crying? You look like me. It's like he's dead, like he's attending a funeral."

After An Miaomiao heard this, she cried even louder. Jiang Chen couldn't do anything to her, so he held her face and kissed her.

An Miaomiao was shocked. She was stunned for a long time and did not recover."You, you, you! You gangster!" An Miaomiao blushed like a monkey's butt and reached out to hit Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen quickly dodged away and said to An Miaomiao with a smile:"Well, you are right, I am a gangster. Then, do you want to kiss me again?"

Before An Miaomiao could answer, Jiang Chen kissed him again. When he went up, An Miaomiao stayed where he was, unable to say a word.

Jiang Chen knocked on An Miaomiao's head:"What are you thinking about? Come here and tell me what you don't know. I, Jiang Chen, will teach you how to do it!"

An Miaomiao pointed out what he didn't know, and Jiang Chen also patiently talked with her. An Miaomiao explains everything in detail. He is really a good teacher.

"Oh, that’s it, I understand! Thank you, Brother Jiang!"An Miaomiao happily said to Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen also laughed when he saw An Miaomiao so happy.

Every day after that, the cycle went like this: An Miaomiao was studying, and when he met someone who didn't understand, he asked Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen Chen explained it to An Miaomiao until An Miaomiao understood it, and then An Miaomiao continued to learn.

Finally one day, An Miaomiao couldn't stand it anymore:"Ahhhhhhh! I'm going crazy! Isn't it my fault to learn? Is it my fault it has so much content? How can I learn if it is so difficult?! It's so annoying! Jiang

Chen puffed and said to An Miaomiao:"Okay, okay, if you hold on a little longer, there will only be a little left. Perseverance is victory!" Keep going! The dawn of victory is at hand!"

"Humph, I’m laughing so hard. I can’t see it at all. Where is the light? Where is the light?! My future is full of darkness and fart light."An Miaomiao hit back at Jiang Chen with disdain.

Jiang Chen also knows how hard An Miaomiao has been these days, but there is no way. This is the fastest way out now. When An Miaomiao succeeds in learning, everything will go smoothly. Yes, it’s bitter first and then sweet.

"Miaomiao, if you hold on a little longer, there will still be some left. You have survived for so long, is there still a few days left?"Jiang Chen said in a comforting and unquestioning tone.

"Oh fine."An Miaomiao responded to Jiang Chen with an aggrieved tone, which made Jiang Chen's heart melt, but he couldn't show it.

A few days later, An Miaomiao had learned all the knowledge, and she felt that she was invincible:"Sure enough, the weather is great today! Jiang Chen said to An Miaomiao:"Let's go back and take you to practice it yourself!""

Jiang Chen asked An Miaomiao to treat the sick disciples. An Miaomiao was a little nervous at first, but as she became more proficient, she became very good at it.

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