The surrounding villagers were very happy to see these apprentices eating, and they were also very happy in their hearts.

After all, it was because of Jiang Chen's protection that their house was not destroyed.

Nor are they displaced and homeless.

The more I thought about it, the more excited I became. The apprentices were eating the cake and felt that the cake was very delicious. One of the apprentices looked at the villagers in front of him and praised:"This cake is delicious."

The villager heard the apprentice He smiled in admiration and said:"If it's delicious, just eat more. Don't be constrained. We still have a lot at home."

The apprentices listened to the villagers and nodded with a smile.

But no one said they wanted to take more.

Just when Jiang Chen was almost full, one of the little girls walked up to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen looked at the cute girl who appeared in front of him and was a little surprised. He didn't know what this little girl wanted to do when she suddenly ran in front of him.

"Little sister, why did you come to see me?"

Jiang Chen looked at the little girl who suddenly appeared in front of him and couldn't help but speak.

When the little girl saw Jiang Chen talking to him, she couldn't help but blush, her face turned red.

She looked at Jiang Chen and said,"I...I want to become your teacher."

When Jiang Chen heard the little girl in front of him suddenly say these words, the expression on his face couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

Unexpectedly, the little girl in front of him actually wanted to find him a master.

Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows and smiled. Said:"Little sister, do you really want to become my teacher? This road is not as simple as you think."

When the little girl heard what Jiang Chen said, she was not deterred. Instead, she nodded even more firmly and said,"I think I can do it. I believe in myself."

Jiang Chen was so cute with this little girl, and saw that she wanted to be his teacher.

Suddenly Jiang Chen wanted to chat with the little girl in front of him, he asked the little girl in front of him, and said:"How old are you now? ?"

When the little girl heard what Jiang Chen said, she said in a sweet voice,"I am six years old now."

Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows when he heard what the little girl said. He couldn't believe it. The little girl in front of him was so thin and thin. She didn't look like a six-year-old girl at all.

He just thought that the little girl in front of him... He is only four years old now.

Jiang Chen suppressed the surprise in his heart and asked again. The little girl in front of him said:"How many people are there in your village?"

The little girl couldn't help but frowned when she heard what Jiang Chen said.

How many people are there in the village? This question stumped her.

The little girl bit her lips, feeling surprised and didn't know what to do. Answer.

Jiang Chen looked at the little girl looking so cute. He couldn't help but speak and smiled.

"Then tell me, who else is in your family?"

Seeing that Jiang Chen could answer the question, the expression on the little girl's face immediately became happy.

She looked at Jiang Chen in front of her with interest, and her voice couldn't help but become cheerful when she spoke. stand up:"There are three people in my family now, one is my father, one is my mother, and the other one is me. But people here are very poor, my parents are very poor, and other uncles are also very poor.……"

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