"Are they all poor?"

Jiang Chen couldn't help but raise his eyebrows when he heard these words suddenly spoken by the little girl.

Jiang Chen looked at the little girl in front of him and saw her melancholy look.

Originally, this picture should be the most innocent. Such a look suddenly appeared on his face, which stung Jiang Chen's eyes.

Jiang Chen looked at the little girl in front of him and said,"Are they all poor?"

When the little girl heard Jiang Chen behaving like this, Jiang Chen put it bluntly and said, there is a landlord grandfather in the village, and he is very rich. Hearing the little girl speaking like this, Jiang Chen suddenly thought of something, it must be This landlord is a bad person. He only thinks about how to exploit these farmers all day long. Thinking of this, the expression on Jiang Chen's face can't help but become gloomy, but he is afraid that he will be frightened. The expression on the face of the little girl in front of him has returned to normal. Normal.

Jiang Chen wanted to look at the man next to him who was pouring water for him, and he said,"How are the landlords here? Do you only know how to exploit and oppress farmers all day long?"

Jiang Chen thought that if this was really the case, then he would go to the landlord's house and teach him a lesson.

Let the landlord know how abominable it is to exploit farmers.

The man heard Jiang Chen suddenly mention them The landowner in the village.

The man's face was stunned for a moment, then he waved his hand and said,"No, the landowner treats us very well."

Jiang Chen listened, this man defended the landlord, which made Jiang Chen feel a little strange.

"Why is he so nice to you?"

Jiang Chen wondered in his heart whether the landlord had exploited and brainwashed the people in the village, so the people in the village thought that the landlord was really good. When the man saw Jiang Chen, he wanted to know how good the landlord was to them. He sighed and said:"Everyone in our village used to be very poor. Later, because the landlord found that the people in the village were very poor, he would always give some relief money to the people in the village within a fixed time..

And the woman next to him couldn't help but quickly interjected:"Yes, he is really good. Every time there is an accident in someone's house, he will go and help.""

Jiang Chen couldn't help but look at the woman who was speaking with doubtful eyes. He wanted to hear from this woman's mouth what kind of person this landowner was.

When the landowner woman spoke again, he couldn't help but sigh:"Thanks to him, otherwise, we might not have been able to survive back then.……"

When the man saw his wife speaking, he nodded:"If it weren't for the money he gave us, we would have starved to death early." When the man thought of this, he couldn't help but sigh, His eyes were full of melancholy.

It is also because they themselves are of no use, otherwise, they would have become rich long ago.

Jiang Chen couldn't help but froze when he heard what this man said.

Jiang Chen didn't expect that this landowner was such a good person.

Jiang Chen couldn't help but touch his chin and looked at the person in front of him, and he began to have doubts in his heart.

When the little girl saw that everyone in front of her was mentioning the landlord, she couldn't help but mention it:"Yes, he often buys candy and shares it with the children in our village. He also tells us stories."

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