"Congratulations on successfully passing the first round of the competition, but you still don't want to be happy too early."

Jiang Chen looked at the players in front of him, and his expressions softened a bit, but in the next second he returned to a stern look, looking at the players in front of him coldly.

"The next competition is a liberal arts competition. Even if you have the most basic combat ability, you cannot forget the most basic theoretical knowledge.

Jiang Chen looked at the players in front of him seriously and said,"I hope you can stay in this competition.""

These players heard what Jiang Chen said, and they were very serious in their hearts.

These players were separated across the table, and the disciples released the test papers to them, and asked them to pick up their pens and start writing the most basic theoretical knowledge.

And those women Each contestant was very excited. Looking at the test papers that were handed out, they couldn't help but feel very happy.

They had all seen this knowledge before, and fortunately they had memorized this theoretical knowledge well before., otherwise, I would be racking my brains now.

The female contestants were very careful. They looked at these theoretical knowledge questions and started to write them down. Every content they filled in was the most correct. They were also afraid that they would accidentally be too nervous and write typos..

But those male contestants were racking their brains one by one. They looked at the theoretical knowledge papers in front of them and felt that their eyes were darkened.

Why do these things look so familiar, yet so strange...

Some male contestants bit their pens tightly, scratched their heads, and occasionally wanted to peek at other people's answers.

But the distance was too far and I couldn't see it at all, so I had to give up struggling and just write it down slowly based on the thoughts in my mind.

However, some male disciples filled in all the answers smoothly.

Well, it was almost time to hand in the papers. After the disciple in charge of handing in and collecting all the papers was collected, he looked at the contestants in front of him and said: Wait a moment, we will announce all the results and rankings."

The male contestants couldn't help but start to feel nervous.

As soon as some female disciples handed in the papers, they went to find people they knew and started to check the answers one by one. When they saw that everyone's answers were basically the same, they felt in their hearts Then he breathed a sigh of relief.

The male players looked sad, not knowing what to do. After a while, the rankings were announced, but they only saw the results. The list went from first place to All the names up to the tenth place were women's names.

Those women couldn't help but feel happy.

"Did you see it? I'm third."A woman looked at her friends beside her and couldn't help but smile.

Other friends also smiled and nodded:"Look, I'm in the thirteenth place!"

"It's great, I didn't expect it to go so smoothly."The woman couldn't help but sigh to her friends beside her.

But the men saw that from first to tenth place, they were all ranked by women, which made some men feel very unhappy.

He looked at Those complacent women snorted with dissatisfaction and said,"Isn't it just that I got first place? What's there to show off?"

When the other men heard what he said, they couldn't help but nodded:"While we are waiting for the third round, we still don't know how they were beaten."

"When I saw that, all these female disciples were scared to death."

What the man said made the other male contestants burst out laughing.

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