Jiang Chen had founded a school before. Because of his prestige and fame, many people came to sign up and wanted to enter this sect to learn spells. Therefore, many people squeezed their heads and wanted to come in to learn, but the enrollment quota was limited.

However, he has always respected the principle of equality between men and women, so the number of boys and girls recruited every year is the same. This is for the sake of fairness and justice in establishing the school. Not only boys can attend the school. The establishment of Jiang Chen School broke precedent..

Most of the other schools enroll male students, but Jiang Chen's school is the only school that is fair and equal between men and women. Therefore, many female students also come here because of its reputation. In the past few days, the annual election meeting has arrived.

Because of the popularity of Jiang Chen Academy, every year when the school holds an election meeting, the entire school is filled with water and very lively. However, there are also people who gather to make trouble every year, most likely because they are incapable of passing the election.

Or maybe they were sent by other schools to cause trouble. After all, there were so many people at the election meeting that it was impossible to track down the troublemakers. They were often hidden in the vast sea of ​​people, making them unpredictable.

He has passed several exams and also passed the liberal arts exam. Next is the most exciting arena competition. For the sake of fairness, Jiang Chen announced on the stage:"Hello, students, the exciting arena competition is about to begin. for the sake of fairness"

"We decided to compare boys with boys and girls with girls because of the physical strength of boys and girls. Do you think it’s okay?"Jiang Chen asked as if asking for advice.

"Hey, I don’t think it’s fair at all. Why do boys compare with boys, girls compare with girls, and why aren’t boys and girls mixed? Isn’t this more fair? Wouldn't it be more conducive for them to elect stronger people if men and women fought together?"

There was a non-stop discussion below. The leading students were fanning the flames and kept talking about the shortcomings of Jiang Chen's system. This was simply nonsense. This made the people who had always supported Jiang Chen also become confused at this time. He was a little hesitant.

He looked like he was about to change his mind at any moment,"I don't think he is fair at all."……"

"Eh, but I think it’s fair. Boys and girls have different physical abilities. How can we let boys and girls compete together?……"A few students spoke cautiously, but their voices were low.

Gradually, he was suppressed by the opposing forces. Jiang Chen felt very headache. Even though he had thought so carefully, those people still insisted on saying that they were unfair. But then he thought about it, there were so many people who supported him, but Why is it suddenly not supported?

There must be some spies among them who are fanning the flames and don't want them. Jiang Chen is recruiting students. Who wants to do this? Jiang Chen thought for a long time but didn't have an answer. He looked at the noisy people in the audience and felt a headache..

He observed the people below himself, wanting to see who was behaving strangely, but after observing for a long time, the person did not reveal any flaws. It was really airtight and there was no clue. He was tired of watching, so he wanted to take a look at Yan Yan. When the eyes go to rest.

He didn't know it by looking at it, but he was shocked when he saw it. Good guy, he used his peripheral vision to catch a sneaky person. He seemed to be discussing the next plan with his companions. Jiang Chen seemed to have seen through his evil thoughts.

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