The old students on the stage were also unceremonious, all of them were ruthless, and they all tried their best to take the lead for the freshmen.

Jiang Chen took a few sips of tea, and after a long while, he chuckled.

The clouds in the sky turned dark and clear again, and the old students in the arena also completed their games one after another.




The end of the game was completed with three drum beats.

Jiang Chen took the winner's list in his hand and a smile appeared on his lips.

"Everyone, be quiet."

Jiang Chen made a gesture, and the whole place fell silent.


Jiang Chen paused and glanced at the people in the audience. Everyone's attention was focused on Jiang Chen.

"I declare the winner!"

The whole audience cheered, and Jiang Chen read out their names unhurriedly.

"First place, Baymax."

The winning male disciple's eyes lit up, and they were all vying to show themselves well and let the captain choose them.

"The second place is Ah Hei."

Ah Hei behind the scenes rubbed his ears, and then showed a smile. He had a minor injury from the ring competition and was being bandaged.

"The third place is Xiaomi."

Xiaomi clicked her tongue and nodded to the freshmen. Jiang Chen glanced at Xiaomi without saying anything, and then announced the name of the next one.

"The fourth place is Hua Shao."

Hua Shao frowned and stood up. He looked at the new students. They exchanged looks and prepared to pick the members of their own team.

"The last one. Jiang

Chen paused and smiled at the freshmen.

"It's Jian Er."

Jian Er stood up from the crowd with an expressionless face.

Jiang Chen said with a smile,

"These are the captains of the five teams. You are free to choose your own team members."

After Jiang Chen said that, the captains gathered together for a chat, and finally walked towards their favorite team members.

Jian Er called the names of several team members, and several disciples had a hint of surprise in their eyes, and then quickly asked Jian Er leaned over.

The surrounding disciples were also curious to see what kind of team would be formed.

There were twenty-five female disciples who won. There were twenty male disciples.

Ah Hei picked five female disciples. , four male disciples.

After the several disciples got to know each other, Ah Hei asked them to familiarize themselves with the journey, and also went to watch the theater.

In the end, Jian Er chose six female disciples and three male disciples.

Ah Hei joked,

"Jian Er, why do you prefer girls over boys?"

Jian Er sneered,

"Why do you talk so much nonsense?"

Xiaomi picked three female disciples and six male disciples.

Ah Hei whistled, and after Xiao Mi glared at him, Ah Hei shrugged.

Xiao Mi arranged the team members on his side, set rules for them, and communicated with each other. After getting acquainted, all the matters were explained.

Now the remaining team members looked at each other, with expectations and hostility in their eyes.

After all, no one knew who they were in the same group with.

Who would become enemies with whom?.

After Dabai and Hua Shao selected the remaining team members, the five teams were completely assembled.

This also meant that this arena competition was completely over.

Jiang Chen on the side watched the last one. After successfully assembling the group, I clapped my hands

"Now that the five team members and captains have been selected, you can go back to the religion if you have nothing to do."

The remaining freshmen and old students finished watching today's performance and went back to their own places.

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