Jiang Chen led a group of people back to the religion.

After arriving inside the religion, Jiang Chen asked the novices to line up in groups and stand in order. Jiang Chen did not speak immediately, but looked at them for a while.

Everyone was a little undecided at this time, and several female disciples began to whisper:

"I heard that Jiang Chen is very powerful, but he asked us to gather here, probably to announce the field practice, right?"The female disciple said a little doubtfully

"If the guess is correct, the field practice should be announced."A male disciple came to talk to him. His voice was quite loud, and everyone around him looked at him. This male disciple seemed a little embarrassed and kept his head down.

"Quiet!"At this time Jiang Chen spoke up. This voice was very strong and majestic. Several new disciples who were whispering to each other immediately closed their mouths and did not dare to speak.

"When hunting monsters in the wild, you must learn to wait patiently and wait for the prey to reveal its weaknesses. Look, you guys have no patience at all. How many minutes have you just been left standing there? If you are in the wild and you can't help but pounce on the monsters, you will be the first to die. These monsters are very cunning."

Jiang Chen taught the new students, but he didn't know how many of them listened. Their character can be seen within a few days of going to the wild.

Then Jiang Chen announced a series of things to pay attention to when going to the wild for training. matters

"The location of our field practice this time is in a deep mountain and old forest. If someone disobeys the command and something happens, you will bear the responsibility yourself. And you will be severely punished when you come back! Did you hear that clearly?"Jiang Chen said the word"severe punishment" very hard.

"yes!"The freshmen all agreed.

"You guys go down and get ready. We'll be meeting here in 10 minutes. Don’t go to this field training if you are late."Jiang Cheng clasped his hands behind his back, looking very stern and difficult to get along with.

This field practice should be very simple for the old students, but it is their first time with the freshmen, so they don't know what accidents will happen.


10 minutes later. After calling the names, there was one missing person, a female disciple.

Although there was one less female disciple, Jiang Chen had no intention of leaving her behind and led the large team to leave first. Everyone waited for the female disciple for two minutes, but she finally arrived late. When Jiang Chen asked about the reason, the female disciple said that she couldn't find something. Her words were extremely vague, and Jiang Chen didn't want to ask any more questions.

"The whole team stood still for half an hour, which is the price of being two minutes late."But Jiang Chen didn't let the female disciple off easily. This was the price she paid for being two minutes late. It caused everyone to follow her.

"What I dislike the most is people who have no sense of time."Jiang Chen said to the freshmen while walking around them.

It could be seen that everyone had complaints, but they did not say it out loud and silently accepted the fact.

After they finished their horse steps, Jiang Chen led a group of freshmen , and five team leaders set off.

Jiang Chen walked at the front and led the new students out of the sect. While walking a little further, Jiang Chen took out the sword he usually used. With just one With just one finger, he could control the sword from the air.

Jiang Chen let the sword float beside his feet, stepped on it lightly with his toes, and then flew up. With his powerful strength, coupled with his unruffled temperament, Fascinated a group of female disciples

"Set off."Jiang Chen said calmly, and then glanced at everyone.

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