The moon was dark and the wind was high, and the leaves in the forest were rustled by the wind, creating a terrifying atmosphere. The freshmen couldn't help but tremble when they heard these voices. After all, it was their first time to practice, so they were inevitably a little scared.

Jiang Chen noticed the movements of the freshmen, and said to them comfortingly:"It's okay, don't be afraid, there will inevitably be strong winds at night."

The freshmen also knew that Jiang Chen noticed their emotions, and they all felt that Jiang Chen was very He was so heartwarming that he even comforted them.

But they were also a little embarrassed. After all, they were the ones who asked Jiang Chen to bring them in now, but they were starting to get scared, and they still had a bit of a hard time losing face.

Compared with the various speculations of the freshmen, the old students were very calm. After all, they had been out many times. How could they be afraid of this, so they were very calm.

Jiang Chen spoke again at this time:"Everyone, since it is already very late, it is inevitable that some higher-level monsters will come out to hunt for prey. But don't be afraid. You must know what these monsters look like. Okay. You can mention him next time you meet him."

The old students all nodded. When the new students saw the old students nodding, they also nodded.

After saying that, they started walking again. As they walked, something suddenly seemed wrong, and there was a dangerous aura approaching.

But they couldn't feel it, and Jiang Chen also noticed it. Sure enough, before walking for a while, a group of wild wolves suddenly jumped out from the grass.

Because Jiang Chen was walking in front, those wild wolves immediately surrounded Jiang Chen.

Those wolves roared loudly at Jiang Chen, feeling like they would tear Jiang Chen apart in the next second.

The freshmen were so frightened that their faces turned a little pale, while the old students remained calm.

Jiang Chen looked at this situation and frowned even though it wasn't a big problem.

Because these wild wolves are not ordinary wild wolves, they have all been demonized, and Jiang Chen felt the demonic aura on them.

When Jiang Chen wanted to take advantage of them not paying attention, those wild wolves suddenly came over and surrounded Jiang Chen again for some reason.

At this time Jiang Chen smiled and thought this wild wolf was quite funny.

When they heard Jiang Chen laugh, they didn't know why. They were all confused.

Then, the next second, Jiang Chen said to them:"This wild wolf is not ordinary. Not only has he turned into a demon, he also has wisdom and knows that I am the leader. This is not bad, interesting, interesting."

The old students heard this I understood it immediately, but it was the first time for the freshmen to come out. Some of them took a while to understand, and some never understood.

But it doesn't matter. Jiang Chen won't let the new students come first. He decided to let the old students come first, so that the new students can see how the old students do it, so that they can learn from it, and also so that some new students are always dissatisfied with the old students. Take a good look!

Then the freshmen all thought that Jiang Chen would kill these wild wolves, but the old students knew that Jiang Chen would definitely not do it himself. They knew that Jiang Chen would definitely let them kill these wild wolves, so as to make some people who were dissatisfied with them know that Jiang Chen would definitely kill these wild wolves. Freshmen take a good look.

Therefore, the old students were all ready immediately. As soon as Jiang Chen gave the order, they would take action immediately.

Sure enough, just as the old students guessed, Jiang Chen said a few secret words to the old students in the next second, which are what every old student must learn.

After hearing Jiang Chen's words, they immediately took action.

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