The wolves slowly walked toward the crowd and gradually formed a circle, trapping them all in the circle. These wolves were wise and knew strategies.

Many people had never seen this battle before, and they didn't feel nervous to clench the weapons in their hands or make gestures to show spiritual power. Some timid people had their legs shaking uncontrollably, and some bold people looked at them with disdain. At one glance,"Tsk, it's really useless."

However, Jiang Chen and the others did not panic. They were surrounded by the low roars of wolves, tensing their bodies, ready to attack at any time. It was already late at night, and their green eyes, Staring at everyone without blinking.

Jiang Chen took a few steps back from the front of the team and came to the front of the team leaders."You should be able to handle these, okay!" Jiang Chen's tone was not asking about their status, he was speaking in affirmation.

The team captains each glanced at each other, and then looked at Jiang Chen and nodded affirmatively. None of them spoke. The current situation did not allow them to think too much. The five leaders each led their teams to stand in position. formation.

Since there were five teams, Jiang Chen asked them to form a five-star formation.

The front of the formation is the main attack output of this formation, so it is led by Dabai. The left and right sides are also very important, so Ah Hei and Xiaomi are responsible for them respectively. The rear of the formation can be replaced at any time, so two pairs of people are needed to hold on, led by Hua Shao and Jian'er are in charge.

Those who are relatively weak or timid are assigned to the center of the formation, and those on the periphery are more powerful.

The division of labor was quickly completed, and everyone had no objections to this. The next step is for everyone to be ready.

The formation here is complete, and the wolves over there are also changing formation. I saw a giant wolf in the lead raising its head to the sky and letting out a wolf howl,"Oow~" and all the wolves were dispatched in an instant.

The forelimbs were raised, the hind limbs were in the air, and the wolves opened their big mouths full of fangs and charged towards everyone.

Dabai, who was at the front of the formation, rushed to the front, waving the long sword in his hand, raising and lowering the sword, killing the wolf cleanly. Ah Hei and Xiaomi on the left and right were not to be outdone. One held a big sword, and the other Dance the whip. (Because this is close combat, weapons are used, and spiritual power consumes time.)

The two people at the end of the formation were more relaxed than the others, but they were not careless, and they were all working hard to kill the enemy. Jiang Chen was not idle either. Together with Lao Pao, he would repair any holes in the formation so that the formation would always remain intact.

The wolf pack gradually decreased from the huge team at the beginning. The giant wolf leading the wolf pack also noticed this, so it rushed to the front and attacked Dabai head-on.

Dabai might have been able to fight the giant wolf at first, but his physical strength was so exhausted just now that he almost failed to block the giant wolf's attack. Later, Hua Shao and Jian Er also saw the situation in front, and immediately began to substitute, and the two of them dealt with the giant wolf.

Jiang Chen also saw the situation here and shouted to them,"Catch the thief first, capture the king!"

The five fighting people immediately understood and attacked the giant wolf one after another. Dabai stabbed the giant wolf in the eye with his sword, but the giant wolf noticed and dodged.

Ah Hei took this opportunity to chop the giant wolf's right leg. The giant wolf was in pain and became confused. The other three took the opportunity to injure other parts of the giant wolf.

The giant wolf retreated steadily and had the intention to retreat, but several people did not give it this chance. Finally, Dabai stabbed the giant wolf with his long sword, and pierced the giant wolf's throat. The giant wolf began to struggle. Dabai swiped the sword to the side, and the giant wolf was killed. Falling to the ground with a crash.

Seeing that the leader was dead, the few remaining wolves had no reason to continue fighting and fled in all directions. Finally, with everyone's efforts, we won.

After this incident, everyone has a new understanding of the five captains, and they also agree with them from the bottom of their hearts that they are here.

After the battle, everyone was tired. Jiang Chen let everyone take a rest and then continued to lead them forward.

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