Deep in the forest, the purple vines wrapped around a big tree slowly squirmed and spread around the big tree...

Jiang Chen walked at the front of the team, observing the surrounding situation at all times.

Dabai and others walked behind Jiang Chen. Because of this battle, everyone was extra united. Xiaomi was the only girl among the five. She had a lively and cheerful personality and kept chattering along the way.

"Thanks to Jiang Chen for giving us the command this time!"Xiaomi said with excitement.

"Well, we should thank Jiang Chen!"Hua Shao agreed from the side.

When Jiang Chen heard this, he smiled slightly and said,"I didn't help much, that's all your own efforts."

Several people laughed happily after hearing this

"And the fatal blow that Baymax gave to the giant wolf, wow, he was so cool at the time."Xiaomi danced and gestured.

Dabai didn't say anything and responded with a smile.

Hearing this, Mr. Hua said unhappily,"We are also very powerful, okay. With a few strokes, the evil wolf fell to the ground."

"Isn’t that right, Ah Hei, Jian Er? After saying that, he turned to look at Ah Hei and Jian Er.

Ah Hei scratched his head and said honestly,"It's nothing. The main thing is that everyone is united.""

Jian Er still had the same paralyzed face. He glanced at Mr. Hua expressionlessly and did not answer his question.

A few people were walking noisily. Suddenly Jiang Chen in front stopped and turned around to signal to the people. Quiet, the five people also realized that something was wrong, and they all became quiet. No one was talking, and they were all on alert.

Jiang Chen was at the front of the team. He closed his eyes and used his spiritual sense to explore the surroundings. Suddenly, he sprang out from the front left of the team. A black shadow attacked Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen turned over to avoid it, only to see that the place where he was standing was corroded by the thick dark green liquid.

Everyone was frightened by this scene, and they all took out their weapons and aimed at the place where the monster had just appeared. The position was on full alert.

Jiang Chen also took out his weapon and attacked the location where the monster had just appeared, but missed. Suddenly, the monster attacked Jiang Chen's back. Jiang Chen did not dodge, but directly Head on.

The liquid sprayed by the monster was highly poisonous, so Jiang Chen was a little restrained, but this did not affect Jiang Chen's performance. After a few rounds, the monster disappeared again.

Everyone standing nearby watching , did not relax, fearing that this monster would suddenly attack them, the captains of the five teams stood in a row, blocking the front of the others, their whole bodies tensed, paying attention to the movements around them.

Jiang Chen was also surrounding the surroundings, Because it was late at night, the surroundings were pitch dark. If Jiang Chen hadn't had high spiritual power and could see at night, he wouldn't have known how to find this monster.

Jiang Chen fixed his gaze on one place, which was a lush tree. Jiang Chen raised his He raised his hand, formed a stream of spiritual power, and struck out in that direction. The monster was injured and fell to the ground.

Jiang Chen walked over and took a look. The monster lying on the ground was a snake monster. Jiang Chen took out With a dagger in his hand, he killed the snake demon without giving the monster a chance. Jiang Chen neatly took out the demon pill, straightened his clothes and walked towards everyone.

Xiaomi was the first to rush forward. Go forward, clap your hands and say,"Wow, Jiang Chen, you are so awesome! Mr. Hua also echoed."Jiang Chen, that move you just made was really amazing.""

Just as everyone was cheering, danger came again.

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