When everyone was happy, there was a"rustling" sound in the dark surroundings. Jiang Chen immediately became alert,"Everyone, stop running around and follow me." Jiang Chen ordered to lead them forward.

Suddenly, several big trees in front were entangled with vines, blocking everyone's way. Jiang Chen led everyone back, but it was too late. The surrounding big trees were all covered with vines.

Everyone was surrounded by vines in a circle, and the surrounding vines were emitting purple smoke.

"What should we do now? We can't get out."Xiaomi asked Jiang Chen anxiously.

Several others also looked at Jiang Chen inquiringly. Jiang Chen knew what they were worried about. He walked forward. There were more and more purple smoke. When Jiang Chen saw something was wrong, he immediately said to"Cover your mouth and nose quickly, this smoke is poisonous."

After hearing this, everyone immediately covered their mouths and noses with handkerchiefs, but some weak people had already begun to feel dizzy, and some even fell down,"Qingqing, what's wrong with you, wake up!"Someone yelled here

"Junior sister, are you okay?"

Senior Brother Hao, don't scare me!"


Gradually, more and more people fell down. Seeing this, Jiang Chen said,"Don't panic, everyone. Quickly cover their mouths and noses to prevent them from inhaling more poisonous gas." He also took out a handkerchief and wrapped it around his mouth and nose. , tied behind the head.

Jiang Chen arranged for the five team leaders to stay put and watch everyone carefully while he walked forward. Lao Pao also wanted to follow Jiang Chen, but Jiang Chen disagreed,"You should protect them here." Lao Pao also wanted to follow Jiang Chen. Pao wanted to say something else, but Jiang Chen didn't give him this chance.

Jiang Chen walked up to the vines, took out his long sword, and slashed it down. A cut was made in the surrounding vines. Suddenly, purple smoke that was thicker and thicker than before was sprayed out from the cut. Jiang Chen stepped back. He took a step forward and covered his eyes with his sleeves.

The cut hole in the vine was quickly covered again. When Jiang Chen saw this scene, he rushed forward and slashed several times, but just like before, the cut hole was quickly covered again.

There was a little beast that was stunned by the poison next to the vine. Jiang Chen saw a branch from the vine stretching out and wrapping around the little beast. Soon the little beast deflated visibly to the naked eye and turned into a mummy.

Jiang Chen's patience had run out. He formed fire spiritual power and hit the vines in front of him. The vines were instantly burned to ashes by the flames. The vines in other places still wanted to surround this place. How could Jiang Chen give it this Chance.

He gathered his spiritual power and attacked the surrounding areas, instantly burning all the surrounding vines into ashes. After dealing with all the vines, Jiang Chen returned to the original place.

Jiang Chen looked at all the unconscious people, took out an antidote pill from the spirit bag, and fed it to one of them, who quickly woke up.

"This is an ordinary detoxification pill. Everyone should have one when you go out. There is nothing special about this poisonous mist. If you don't have it, come and get it from me."Jiang Chen said as he took out the antidote pills.

Everyone is obeying Jiang Chen's words now. Everyone wanted to celebrate Jiang Chen, but Jiang Chen felt that it was not the time yet.

Jiang Chen led everyone to continue moving forward. After this twists and turns Everyone was tired, so it was very quiet along the way."Boom~" There was a sound of thunder from the sky. Jiang Chen looked at the sky and saw a large dark cloud floating over not far away. The main thing now is to find a place to hide from the rain. , Jiang Chen led everyone to find a cave.

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