Jiang Chen asked everyone to rest outside the cave and then went to explore inside the cave.

Jiang Chen walked inside for a while but did not go further down because he noticed an unusual smell inside, so he returned to the entrance of the cave.

It was already raining heavily outside, and Jiang Chen asked everyone to take shelter under the outer edge of the cave.

On the way here, Jiang Chen noticed that it was going to rain, so he asked everyone to pick up some firewood while walking. Now everyone built a fire in groups.

Everyone sat together, warming themselves by the fire, eating, and chatting about what happened today.

"If Jiang Chen hadn't led us here today, I don't know how many times I would have died."

"That's right, did you see him using his fire spirit power to burn the vines today? It's really amazing."

"Yeah, yeah, he's simply my idol now"


A group of teenagers were discussing near the fire.

The scenery around the cave is very beautiful. There are no trees around, it is a flat bottom. There is a sea of ​​purple flowers on the side of the cave. It is very beautiful and dreamy. The rain has stopped, and the flowers are still covered with rainwater. They look like a beautiful woman crying, which is very pitiful.

Jiang Chen sat on a big rock on the edge of the cave, looking at the sea of ​​flowers as if he was thinking about something.

"Brother Jiang Chen, what are you thinking about?"A female voice sounded from behind Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen came back to his senses and looked back, frowning slightly. It was the female disciple he rescued that day. Jiang Chen did not answer her question and turned around to continue looking. Looking ahead

"Brother Jiang Chen, have you eaten? I have some food here. You can try it."The female disciple didn't pay attention to Jiang Chen's alienation and continued to talk to him.

Jiang Chen turned to look at her and reached out to take the food in her hand."Thank you."Jiang Chen thanked him.

The female disciple was very happy to see Jiang Chen accept the things and wanted to chat with him for a few more words. But Jiang Chen interrupted her thoughts.

"You go and do your work first. I want to sit by myself for a while."

"Okay, I'll go first."The female disciple said with some disappointment.

As soon as the female disciple left, Dabai and the others came over. Xiaomi was the first to speak,"Jiang Chen, everyone over there said they were tired and wanted to rest. Let us ask you. See if it works."

Jiang Chen thought that they had been tired for the whole day, so he didn't need to force them so much. He told Dabai and the others,"Let them rest. Just pay attention to safety and don't run around at night. You guys can also go and rest tonight. I keep vigil."

When Dabai and the others heard this, they felt it was inappropriate. Xiaomi's out-of-the-box character must have been the first to disagree."No, no, it's already tiring enough for you to lead us all the way. It's absolutely not possible if we are keeping vigil."

Don't say Xiaomi disagrees, the other four people absolutely disagree.

Dabai also disagrees."Jiang Chen, Xiaomi is right.Why don't we do it? After all, we are also the captain of the team. If there is any danger, we can handle it."

"Yes, yes, you have a lot to worry about for us today, so we are willing to keep vigil for you, so you can go and rest. Mr. Hua also agreed.

Even Jian Er, who rarely spoke, agreed,"Jiang Chen, you go and rest first. We are here." Ah

Hei nodded fiercely in agreement.

Jiang Chen looked at the five people in front of him and felt that they had grown up very fast, and he was very happy in his heart.

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