After the monsters receded, Jiang Chen felt that it was not suitable to stay here for a long time, as there might be another danger coming soon. So the two decided to leave quickly. However, Lao Pao's injury was very serious. If not treated in time, he might become infected.

?"Old Pao, let's find a safe place to rest first. I'll take care of the injury on your shoulder first. It won't be good if it gets infected."

?Lao Pao held his bleeding shoulder, grinning in pain, and said:"I'm fine, let's get out of here first. It's too dangerous here.""

?"If you don't want to lose your arm, just listen to me!"

?"It's not as serious as you say!"Although Lao Pao still pretended not to care, his pace gradually slowed down.

?Seeing this, Jiang Chen pulled Lao Pao to the side and sat on a stone. After Lao Pao took off his clothes, Jiang Chen found that Lao Pao's shoulders had been scratched by monsters and were so bloody that the bones could be seen. He couldn't help but admire Lao Pao a little. He must have endured so much pain.

?Jiang Chen took out the small medicine bottle he carried with him from his arms and gently sprinkled the medicine on Lao Pao's wound. Lao Pao gasped in pain.

?"It’s already like this, you were just pretending, you are a ruthless person!"

?"Don't make sarcastic comments there. Have you packed your bags?"

?Liu Jing simply bandaged him a few times, then helped him leave. The two walked in the forest for a long time. Lao Pao's wound seemed to be more painful, and Jiang Chen also felt a little tired. Jiang Chen felt that they spent more time than when they came here, but they still didn't go out.

?"Old Pao, do you still remember the way you came? We may be lost!"

?"I am in so much pain that I am unconscious. How can I remember the road? We don’t really want to spend the night here!"

?Jiang Chen took a look at the surrounding environment and felt that it seemed particularly familiar. It wasn't until Jiang Chen saw some solidified blood on the ground that he realized that they had been going in circles and finally returned to the same place. This made Jiang Chen very worried. Lao Pao's consciousness became more and more confused and his body became heavier and heavier. Jiang Chen also felt that he could no longer hold on.

?Afterwards, Jiang Chen put Lao Pao aside and sat down to rest for a while. Jiang Chen originally wanted to wait until the sun rose to leave here, otherwise no matter how he left now, it would be in vain.

?Suddenly, Jiang Chen noticed something moving under the tree, and Jiang Chen quietly approached the tree. Picking up the leaves, Jiang Chen found the injured little rabbit. The little rabbit was frightened and seemed a little scared.

?Jiang Chen gently took the little rabbit out, applied medicine to it, and carefully bandaged his wounds. The little rabbit jumped down from Jiang Chen's body, limping forward, and looking back at Jiang Chen from time to time, as if to hint Jiang Chen to follow.

?Jiang Chen seemed to understand what the little rabbit meant, so he picked up the unconscious old cannon and followed the little rabbit. Soon, Jiang Chen saw the road, which made him extremely happy.

?Jiang Chen touched the little rabbit and said:"Thank you, you can follow me from now on!" Then Jiang Chen took the little rabbit away with him

?They returned to the religion before dawn. Jiang Chen found a doctor to treat Lao Pao's wounds, and then arranged a place for Little Rabbit.

?After everything was settled, Jiang Chen began to take care of religious affairs. When he was away, no one cleaned up the mess in the religion. He told his men some things and went back to his room. Jiang Chen took out the book and began to look at it carefully.

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