Jiang Chen carefully checked the contents of the book, fearing that he would miss some information.

?But he found that the writing on it was obscure and unclear, which made him very confused when he read it. Simply, he pointed at the words with his fingers and read them one by one. But after reading it this time, I still got nothing.

?This made him confused, but it also aroused his fighting spirit and strengthened his belief in reading this book:"There is no book that Jiang Chen can't read yet! I must read this book Read it!"

?He even thought that"the meaning of a book will appear after you read it a hundred times." He patiently read it a few more times. After reading it back and forth several times, he finally got some insights. If you read this book upside down, everything will be very clear.

?Then he understood:"It turns out that this book is meant to be read upside down!" If you think of the last sentence as the first sentence and the penultimate sentence as the second sentence, you can discover the mystery of the book.

?Jiang Chen suddenly realized, his heart was enlightened, and he was ecstatic. As I read, I found that this strange book contained some ancient knowledge. This allowed him to keep a few more thoughts in mind. I couldn't help but think:"This book is the source of all evil. Does the record of ancient things mean that some monsters appeared in ancient times?""

?Thinking of this, he became even more excited. After all, who doesn't want to increase his knowledge? Even as powerful and wise as Jiang Chen, he can't resist the damn charm of knowledge!

?Jiang Chen could hold back the urge in his heart. I continued to read, and when I saw a line of words, I was suddenly shocked, and my heart was filled with fear and desolation.

I saw it written in the book:"Three monsters will be born in the future to disrupt the world. The world will be in chaos, all living beings will be in ruins, and the people will be in dire straits.""?

?Jiang Chen was horrified and wanted to write:"If this is the case, wouldn't something big happen to the world?!"

?He suppressed the fear in his heart and read it again to confirm what time it was, but he was even more horrified to find that the book said it was this year!

?Jiang Chen's heart was completely cold:"There are three monsters that will be born to disturb the world. Moreover, they are recorded in the book"The Origin of All Evil", so these three monsters must be very powerful. They are probably ancient beasts." The more he thought about it, the more frightened Jiang Chen became.

?"If this is the case, what should we do? How can we deal with these three monsters? Do we really have a chance of winning?"

?Jiang Chen felt desolate in his heart. He who took the world as his own responsibility couldn't help but frown and couldn't help but let out a long sigh. Secretly hoping that this book will record the method of defeating them and bringing peace to the world:"If this book records that these three monsters will be born and overthrow the world, then this strange book will also record their destruction." method"

?So Jiang Chen read on with full expectation and nervousness, and finally found a way to defeat these three monsters. Jiang Chen couldn't help but feel ecstatic, and he couldn't control the expression of joy on his face. I breathed a sigh of relief, but I was still a little worried. He quickly moved this solution over and looked at it carefully.

?I saw it read:"If you want to defeat those three monsters, save the world, and save the people. Then the person who gets this book needs to give it a go. Only the person who gets this book can defeat those three monsters." Monster, save this world and become the savior!"

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