With that said, Jiang Chen picked up the dagger stuck on the ground behind him and showed it to the white-haired woman.

The white-haired woman was also a little frightened. She also saw that the dagger was quenched with poison. She didn't have to think about it, but she definitely wanted to kill Jiang Chen. As for her motive, she didn't know, but she had a vague feeling that it might have something to do with her dream.

"sorry."The white-haired woman apologized to Jiang Chen. Although she is not the one who controls the body, she is the original owner of this body. This is something that cannot be changed. No matter whether she is killed or not, she is responsible.

"No need to do this, didn’t you kill me too? Besides, it's not that you wanted to kill me, but the being that controlled your body at that time wanted to kill me. If you really want to apologize, it will be it that apologizes to me, not you."Jiang Chen waved his hand, indicating to the white-haired woman not to worry about these things.

"But fortunately, even if that guy controls your body, the strength he can exert is very limited. He is not my opponent at all and he was easily subdued."Jiang Chen said, fortunately the other party is not super strong, otherwise he might really suffer.

There is a white-haired woman whose body is possessed inside, and there is a man in black robe outside. If they join forces, I'm afraid he really won't be able to reap the benefits. , would be very passive.

However, Jiang Chen did not tell the white-haired woman about the black-robed man. After all, with the white-haired woman's strength and character, if she knew that the black-robed man existed, it was very likely that she would reveal her flaws. It will make the man in black robe more cautious.

Even if the man in black robe is more ruthless and knows the cause and effect of what the white-haired woman knows, he might directly kill the white-haired woman to prevent himself from being leaked.

"Thank you."After hearing what Jiang Chen said, the white-haired woman did not have any doubts and trusted Jiang Chen very much. After all, Jiang Chen had saved her life many times. If he wanted to harm her, there would be too many opportunities.

"You're welcome, that's what I should do. Jiang Chen waved his hand, and then continued to ask,"Are you still having that dream during this time?""

The white-haired woman from before is not her, so Jiang Chen still needs to confirm when facing this real white-haired woman.

"I'm still doing it." A feeling of displeasure appeared on the white-haired woman's face,"It's just that the white dress was still far away from me before, but for some reason during this time, it's getting closer and closer to me, especially In the past two times, the white dress has been able to cling to my body."

The white-haired woman kept complaining at this time, and at the same time she expressed the fear in her heart. If someone listened, especially Jiang Chen, an extraordinary person, she would feel relaxed.

"By the way, in the video just now, when I came in, I seemed to be wearing that white dress."Suddenly, the white-haired woman added

"you sure?"Jiang Chen's eyes condensed, he looked at the white-haired woman solemnly, and asked seriously

"Sure, I can see it clearly. Although the dress looks blurry, I have seen it many times in my dreams, so I can’t mistake it."The white-haired woman thought for a while, and then nodded firmly. She was very impressed by what was bothering her.

"In other words, I controlled you here before."

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