"It's the white dress in your dream."Jiang Chen has finally found a breakthrough now.

"Is this white clothes the evil spirit you are talking about?"The white-haired woman said in a low voice, as if I was speaking in a low voice and others couldn't hear me.

"It is indeed evil."Jiang Chen nodded affirmatively. He can still be sure of this. After all, he is a professional. Even if he doesn't know what it is specifically, it does not delay his determination of this thing.

"But didn’t the amulet you gave me before say it could deal with evil spirits? So why doesn't it work?"The white-haired woman complained, thinking that she had happily taken the amulet given by Jiang Chen thinking that she would be safe in the future, but who knew that it was of no use at all, and she could still dream of that white dress.

When she thought of this, Bai The haired woman was full of faint sadness towards Jiang Chen. Looking at the white-haired woman's resentful eyes, Jiang Chen had a headache.

He didn't know what was going on. Maybe it was because of his physique or his characteristics. question

"Well, let me first check if there is any problem with your body, whether it will naturally offset the power of this rune."Jiang Chen thought for a while and then said.

This is not to fool the white-haired woman. This possibility does exist, but it can offset the damage or bonus of some runes, formations and spiritual energy with its own physique. , it is really too rare, there are only a few in ancient times

"OK."The white-haired woman nodded and let Jiang Chen check whether there was any problem with her body.

Jiang Chen probed the spiritual energy into the white-haired woman's body and circulated it in a circle, but in the end he found nothing and could only watch helplessly. The white-haired woman shook her head

"Can you show me the amulet and let me see what's going on?"Looking at the disappointed look in the white-haired woman's eyes, Jiang Chen continued.

However, he was still very confident in his amulet, and there would definitely be no problem. He said this just to comfort the white-haired woman.

Taking the amulet from the white-haired woman, Jiang Chen, who was originally calm, gradually turned gloomy. He felt a cold aura in the amulet, which was completely different from the majestic aura of his amulet. On the contrary.

Looking carefully, the pardon characters on the amulet look similar to his, but are actually completely different.

In other words, this amulet is not the one he gave to the white-haired woman at that time.

Jiang Chen looked at it for a long time, but couldn't see anything strange about this amulet.

Even this amulet was not much different from his original amulets.

If someone who wasn't an expert looked at it, he would confuse the two of them. They were together, just like the woman before.

But even if there is nothing strange about this amulet, Jiang Chen will not easily believe that this amulet is a good thing.

If combined with the uneasiness of the past few days, , this amulet should be harmful.

If this is the case, Jiang Chen cannot continue to let this amulet stay by his side no matter what.

Even Jiang Chen is not worried about throwing this amulet aside.

After all, if he lets anyone If it was picked up, it would be a big hazard.

So Jiang Chen was thinking about it very seriously.

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