After receiving Jiang Chen's order, Fire Qilin immediately started to take action. It moved forward quickly and found the most suitable position to attack, getting a little closer to those disgusting bugs.

Jiang Chen continued to check the surrounding situation. He walked towards the place where the cultivator was swallowed to pieces. Suddenly, a particularly strong smell of paste, mixed with a bit of blood, wafted out, straight into the air. into Jiang Chen's nose.

Jiang Chen accidentally inhaled a few mouthfuls, which made Jiang Chen feel very uncomfortable. He quickly covered his nose with his sleeves to prevent the pungent smell from continuing to flow in.

After successfully isolating the smell, Jiang Chen began to carefully observe the black residue in front of him. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have believed that a small insect could have such great power. sharp.

The shape of a person can no longer be discerned from the debris in front of him. It can be seen that these insects are so lethal.

Having learned the lesson just now, Jiang Chen did not directly pick up the debris on the ground with his hands this time. Instead, he took out his brocade handkerchief from his arms and wrapped it in his hands as a protective measure.

At the same time, Jiang Chen blocked his sense of smell and took out a heart-clearing and detoxifying elixir from his arms to prevent the influence of the poisonous mist caused by the presence of bugs around him.

After all the preparations were done, Jiang Chen began to study it non-stop. He picked up the residue on the ground, turned it over in front of his eyes, and carefully examined its special features and clues.

After reading it, Jiang Chen gently twisted it with his fingers, and the residue immediately turned into ashes. A gust of wind blew by, and the ashes were lifted up by the wind, and then fell again, just like the lives of these cultivators, as light as grass.

In the world that Jiang Chen and the others live in, the most valuable thing is human life. As long as you are weak, you can be slaughtered at will, and there is no human rights at all.

Only a strong person can control and decide his own destiny, so Jiang Chen has determined to be a strong person and control his own destiny since he was a child. Jiang Chen's life is not something that just any cat or dog can interfere with.

After checking it out, he realized how powerful this bug was. Jiang Chen reminded Huo Qilin,"Qilin, be careful. Stay away from these bugs. Just stand where they can be burned. Don't get too close.."

Hearing Jiang Chen's voice, Huo Qilin stood a little further away obediently.

Seeing the insects squirming there, Fire Qilin felt nauseated, so he immediately sped up his action.

With a"pop" sound, the fire unicorn spat out a bright, fiery real fire from its mouth, and went straight towards the insect. Then they went back and forth to eliminate the bugs in a sweeping manner. After a while, the bugs here were almost burned out.

Fortunately, the Fire Qilin's true fire can overcome all evil things in the world, and is naturally the nemesis of insects. Jiang Chen and the others were able to eliminate all the insects without any effort.

Seeing this, Jiang Chen decided that they could leave here now and go inside the forest to explore and see what was going on.

After thinking about this, Jiang Chen immediately started to take action. Without saying a word, he took the Fire Qilin and ran towards the center of the forest.

Not long after, Jiang Chen and the others arrived at the center of the forest. He looked around, then took out the map in his arms and compared it for a while. It was discovered that the map showed that there was a Wood Spirit Pearl in this silent forest.

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