Ever since Jiang Chen brought Qilin to the interior of the Forest of Silence, although he encountered many bugs along the way, luckily Qilin had Qilin True Fire, the nemesis of bugs. The journey was not an easy one, but there were still some near misses.

As we continue to go deeper into the Forest of Silence, we find that the trees in the center grow much better than the trees on the periphery. You can see towering trees everywhere.

Along the way, Jiang Chen's spirit has been in a state of tension. He looked around and saw that the towering trees blocked the sunlight, preventing it from entering, so the interior of the silent forest was always in a very dark state.

Jiang Chen used his spiritual sense to check the surroundings and found no danger. Being in this state for a long time would not be of much benefit to cultivation. Cultivation requires a combination of relaxation and relaxation to achieve better results. Jiang Chen planned to find someone There is a place to rest, take a rest, and recuperate before continuing to search for the Wood Spirit Pearl.

And when I came here, I only knew that the Wood Lingzhu was in the Forest of Silence, but I didn't know where exactly it was in the Forest of Silence.

Jiang Chen was about to find a place to meditate, rest, and recover. At this moment, a black shadow flew past Jiang Chen's eyes. Jiang Chen didn't even think about it and immediately chased after him with Qilin. The black shadow was extremely fast. If it weren't for Jiang Chen didn't even respond and immediately chased after him. Maybe the black shadow would disappear immediately.

Black Shadow felt that Jiang Chen behind him was chasing after him, and the distance was getting closer and closer. If this continued, it wouldn't be long before he would be caught up. The black shadow flew in the direction of the spirit.

Jiang Chen burst out at his fastest speed and kept chasing the black shadow. His speed was a little faster than the black shadow, but not much faster. Fortunately, Jiang Chen didn't wait for the black shadow to fly too far away from him before he followed him..

He was about to catch up. At this moment, a vine as thick as an arm suddenly stabbed towards Jiang Chen on his right side. If he flew directly towards him and ignored him, he would definitely be injured and his speed would be affected, so he would not be able to catch up. It's dark. After thinking about it for a while, Jiang Chen decided to get through the immediate danger first.

The tree was still but the wind was not stopping. I originally thought of continuing to track the black shadow after getting rid of the vine. However, as soon as I stopped, I was attacked by various spiritual trees and plants around, making Jiang Chen unable to escape for a while.

With Qilin, they kept chopping. Although these tree demons were not strong, they were more numerous and more difficult to deal with. After delaying Jiang Chen for a long time, after finishing dealing with the tree demon, he looked around and saw that there was any black shadow anywhere. Some of them were just the remains of dead tree demons under their feet.

After cleaning up, Jiang Chen took Qilin back to the resting place he found before. He thought about it in his mind. When he was tracking the black shadow before, if it weren't for the obstruction of the tree demon and others, he would have caught up with him. After analyzing it, he synthesized it. When chasing the scene, it is not difficult to think that this black shadow is the Wood Spirit Pearl.

Locking the Wood Spirit Pearl in this forest of silence, the target was found. Now that we all know that the target is here, there is no need to worry.

Besides, I felt a little tired after walking all the way here. I ordered Qilin to guard me, and arranged a missing formation around me. On top of this, I also arranged a formation to serve as a reminder.

Then he sat on the ground and meditated to recover. After waiting for recovery, he continued to track the Wood Spirit Bead. Qilin was lying next to him, taking a nap, and watching the surroundings.

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