But Jiang Chen discovered that this alien space was sealed, and they had no way to leave here.

"What to do now?"Huo Qilin saw the current situation and asked Jiang Chen who was standing next to him.

Jiang Chen was also shocked by the scene in front of him for a moment, because he did not expect that the different space was suddenly sealed, so that They had no way out.

But Jiang Chen also knew that he couldn't panic at this time. He had to quickly use his brain to think of ways to solve their predicament.

So Jiang Chen started to look around, wanting to see where this place was or where it was. Can other things be used to allow him and Huo Qilin to leave here?

After all, the seal of the formation in front of them is gradually cracking, but Jiang Chen and Huo Qilin are still unable to escape from here.

If the two of them If I continue to stay here, if the seal of this formation really cracks, Jiang Chen doesn't know what kind of situation he and Huo Qilin will have to face then? The most important thing is whether the two of them can survive. Leaving here may be a problem for their current situation.

"Don't worry, let me think about it, what should I do now?"Jiang Chen saw Huo Qilin's appearance and quickly comforted him.

Huo Qilin was a little anxious at first, a little worried that the current situation between the two of them was not good, but after hearing Jiang Chen's words, he gradually calmed down. , no longer as nervous as before.

Looking at Jiang Chen's appearance, Huo Qilin didn't know why, and suddenly felt that they would not die here in vain, or maybe Huo Qilin had an inexplicable trust in Jiang Chen..

Just when Jiang Chen was thinking about how they should escape from this scene, the crack in the seal of this formation was getting bigger and bigger, and it seemed like it was about to open.

Now the surrounding area was empty. Jiang Chen has not yet found a way for him and Huo Qilin to successfully escape here.

"What to do now? This crack is getting bigger and bigger. I think it won't be long before he can successfully unblock it. We don't know how powerful the things inside are. What if he……"

After Huo Qilin saw this crack, he gradually lost his composure. After all, the two of them really had no other choice now.

After Huo Qilin said this, he saw that Jiang Chen did not answer his question, and he was also talking to himself to calm the tension in his heart, so he did not get an answer from Jiang Chen, and he did not I think something is wrong.

Not long after, Fire Qilin's voice sounded again in the different space,"It seems there is nothing here except the sealed formation in front of us. It seems we can't escape from here at all."

However, Jiang Chen heard After Huo Qilin's words, he seemed to be suddenly awakened, so he quickly walked to Huo Qilin and asked,"What were you talking about just now? Say it again." After hearing Jiang

Chen's words, Huo Qilin was a little confused. No idea,"I just said, there is nothing here."

"I'm not referring to this sentence, but the following sentence."Jiang Chen said anxiously to Huo Qilin.

"Well, I said there is only the sealed formation in front of me, and there is nothing else."

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