After Huo Qilin finished saying this, he saw Jiang Chen standing in front of him and said,"Yes, that's it. Since we have no way to leave this different space, the only way now is to enter this formation. This is our only way out."

After hearing this, Huo Qilin had no intention of resisting, so in the end Jiang Chen and Huo Qilin passed through the gap and came to the bottom of the formation together.

When Jiang Chen and Huo Qilin entered the gap together, they discovered that there was something special inside the seal.

And it's not as ordinary as what they saw outside. The space inside looks so huge.

"I didn't expect that there was such a scene here."Huo Qilin said with some emotion after seeing this scene.

Jiang Chen didn't expect that there would be such a scene, so when he saw it, he was also amazed.

But everything in it, for Jiang Chen It is unknown to the Fire Qilin, so they still don’t know what kind of danger there is.

"Let's go, let's take a look inside first and see if there's any way we can get out of here quickly."

After Jiang Chen said this, he took Huo Qilin and continued walking inside.

Jiang Chen and Huo Qilin slowly followed the sealed path and came to the center of the formation.

Jiang Chen looked around , and vaguely guessed that this place should be the center of the formation.

"What a powerful breath."Jiang Chen said with some sigh.

After all, Jiang Chen didn't just guess that this place was the center of the formation just by looking at the surrounding scenes.

What made him most sure that this was the center of the formation was because Jiang Chen noticed this place. There is a smell of terror

"I also feel that the atmosphere here is very terrifying, and I don’t think the two of us can handle it."Huo Qilin didn't notice it at first, but after hearing what Jiang Chen said, he slowly realized that something was wrong here.

Especially this terrifying aura was too powerful, and Huo Qilin gradually felt it. The aura of terror had slowly invaded his surroundings, making him feel great pressure.

"Oops, I feel like this terrifying aura is about to wake up. It seems like we can't stay here any longer."Jiang Chen, who Huo Qilin could detect, naturally also noticed it.

So Jiang Chen realized that something was not good. If they continued to stay here, they would most likely be wiped out by this terrifying aura.

Because Jiang Chen Completely suppressed by this terrifying aura, he felt that he might not be sure if he fought against this unknown thing.

After hearing Jiang Chen's words, Huo Qilin also understood the seriousness of the matter. , knowing that the things here are indeed very terrifying.

After all, in the eyes of Huo Qilin, Jiang Chen is already very powerful, but the things here seem to be very scary even to Jiang Chen. From this point of view, the things that exist here are indeed Very powerful.

Jiang Chen originally thought that this thing that produced such a terrifying aura would have to wait a while before waking up, but Jiang Chen seemed to have underestimated his true strength and the speed at which he would wake up.

When Jiang Chen was about to take the Fire Qilin When they left here together, he noticed that the atmosphere around him had quietly changed.

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