The patriarch sighed again and said:"Actually, I understand all these principles, but we prefer to maintain a peaceful state, and the environment of the place where we live is very beautiful. If the environment of that place deteriorates due to war, we will be here There is no point in living in this place anymore."

Jiang Chen could only express his understanding of this. He was sipping the slightly bitter tea and making a nice figure-eight shape on his brows. The clan leader did not speak at this time because he knew that he must I'm thinking about how to deal with this matter

"Fire Qilin is my friend, so you are always doing this favor, and I will try my best to help you."Jiang Chen said, he felt that the Wu Clan still had the idea of ​​​​continuing to invade, so he wanted to live in this place for a while. The clan leader knew his idea and was very hospitable. He immediately agreed and arranged a very nice stay for him. Jiang Chen was very touched by living in a large and clean room. He thought in his heart that he must work hard to fulfill what he had said. As soon as he settled his room, Huo Qilin ran over to him and wanted to get it. He looked around this place to familiarize himself with the scene. In this way, he could adapt better and live a better life in this place. After walking around, he came to a warehouse, Fire Qilin There are a lot of useful and useful things in this store, so I was very happy to drag Jiang Chen in to take a look.

Jiang Chen walked into this warehouse and was shocked. This window did not accumulate a lot of dust like other warehouses. Instead, it seemed like it was being cleaned every day, and it was very clean.

Jiang Chen was stunned when he looked at the things inside, and then looked around here. Suddenly he found something among the many things that looked very ancient. Book, the cover of this book has begun to fade a little, but he flipped through it carefully and found that the content inside was very useful.

This is a very complete alchemy furnace, which records many things and uses of alchemy. He has read it The most detailed alchemy book was not as detailed as this one. He wanted to borrow this book and copy it at home.

After all, he finally came across such a powerful book. He couldn't easily copy it. Put down the book

"Do you like this book?"Seeing that Jiang Chen couldn't put it down, turning the book from left to right. Although the writing of the book was a bit shabby, Jiang Chen didn't dislike it. Huo Qilin couldn't help but ask

"You see, the contents recorded in these books are very detailed. The steps are written very clearly, and the functions are simple and clear, making it easy to understand at a glance. The author must be a particularly careful person. The book is so detailed. Can I borrow this book and copy it before returning it?"Jiang Chen begged.

The book Huo Qilin is densely packed with words and pictures. He feels that this book should be given to the right person in order to have full effect.

Instead of putting this book in the warehouse and letting others waste their time Instead of caring for him and wiping ashes, it would be better to give it to the right person to put it to its true use.

With this idea in mind, he said very generously:"This book has been placed in the window for a long time. No one appreciates its usefulness so much. If you like it, just take it away. After all, it is useless to put it in this place."

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