"What? Is it true that you asked me to take this book away? I'm not dreaming, am I?"Jiang Chen was shocked. There was no other more comprehensive book on alchemy in the world, but Huo Qilin actually gave it to him.

"Is your brain not working well today? I already told you that I gave it to you. You don’t need to ask again and again. Besides, this is just a book. None of us found it very useful. Now that you have discovered its value, you can take it and make good use of it. Become stronger."Huo Qilin cheered him up.

After Jiang Chen got the book, he really didn't know the time. He turned over the book again and again, read it again and again at night, and pressed the book After working hard on the above content, he never expected that he would reach the level of entry-level alchemy in just a few days.

He had carefully looked at the details of the operations of all those elixirs, but he had never actually done it once. What should he do? He suddenly remembered the all-powerful warehouse and wondered if there was anything in there that could be used to make elixirs.

Just do it. After trying hard to memorize all the basic steps of an elixir, she She was anxious to practice it right away, and then rummaged around in the warehouse for a long time, and finally found something that the book said was used to make elixirs.

After making elixirs, you still need to make elixirs, and to make elixirs, you must need one thing , what he found was the thing we use to make alchemy, a bronze cauldron. This thing has a very nice name called Siyang Maoding.

Jiang Chen felt that this name was too difficult to remember, so he simply put this thing The name was changed to a cauldron, and the process of alchemy was also named as boiling medicine.

Although he got this thing, he still didn't find one thing, which was to make medicine. The most important thing was the raw materials. If he didn't have those medicinal materials, he wouldn't be able to practice air training, and the compressed air couldn't be turned into a pill.

In a place he didn't understand very well, he could only ask his good friend Huo Qilin for help.

"Please take me to the forest to find ammunition materials. I really want to practice ammunition recently, and on the way here, I saw a lot of grass in the forest, which are similar to the things I want in the book, so I am very interested here. I beg you, please take me there."Jiang Chen didn't dare to go alone in the deep forest. After all, it was a bit dangerous there. What if he got lost and couldn't come back?

He didn't want to spend his whole life in that place, so he It's safer to take someone with him who can help guide him out.

"It has only been a few days since you got that book. Have you already mastered the methods of practicing alchemy?"Huo Qilin was surprised.

Jiang Chen:"I don't know either, but we always need to practice it. I think I should have learned it because I am so smart. Just take a look."

Huo Qilin: You actually think you are so smart, why are you worried that you will get lost?

But even though he thought so in his heart, he still wanted to go out with Jiang Chen, because Jiang Chen is his good friend, and Jiang Chen also gained some face for the Fire Qilin Clan, and all the clan leaders looked at him with admiration.

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