Now the imperial qi has been obtained. ’

‘There is no point in staying further. ’

Deep in the Emperor’s Tomb.

Li Ang rushed towards the place where the Fallen Heavenly Emperor fell, and slightly hugged his fist.


Although Li Ang has a lot of luck and blessings against the sky.

But for this kind of Heavenly Emperor strong man and Li Ang, who does not hesitate to use his life to achieve future generations, he finally maintains a touch of respect.

‘Thank you seniors for teaching me. ’

‘If the juniors are someday. Flying to the Tai Void Immortal Realm, he must find out the reason why there has not been a new emperor born in the Tianxuan Continent over the years. ’

Finish talking.

Li Ang did not hesitate and turned around to leave



At this time, Li Ang also discovered.

Near the place where the Fallen Heavenly Emperor fell, there were golden beads scattered everywhere.

Those beads flickered and dimmed, just.

Around the bead, the space fluctuated suddenly. The power of the law lingered around the golden bead! From a distance, it seems to be hovering with a layer of white light.

Within the light, there is a surge of spatial power.

There is also the flow of life force!

Every bead is like a small world. Nurture the laws of heaven and earth!

‘What? A small bead can actually pull the power of the law? ’

‘Could it be… Emperor Meteorite? ’

Li Ang’s expression changed slightly.

Emperor Meteorite!

The fall of a generation of Heavenly Emperors and strong people is thousands of years and their bodies are destroyed.

But its own aura will continue to be condensed. Converge into one emperor pearl after another!

Among the Emperor Meteor Pearls.

Although it only contains a trace of the aura of the strong people of heaven and earth. It’s just that for those who come later, it is the most heaven-defying cultivation supplies.

It is any elixir fairy herb. It’s incomparable!

‘Good stuff. ’

Seeing this, Li Ang did not hesitate at all.

A few steps ahead, sit directly under the ancient tree.

This emperor meteorite is the object of the emperor’s tomb. It is impossible to leave the space of the imperial tomb, otherwise it will be annihilated in an instant.

After Leon meditates at the moment.

It was without the slightest hesitation and waved his hand.

Take all those emperor meteorite beads.

The supreme bloodline in the body operated to the limit and began to slowly refine these emperor meteorite beads.


An emperor meteorite pearl enters the body, monstrous aura.

Like the waves. All poured into Liang Dantian!

As Leon kept devouring.

His aura is also getting stronger and stronger.

Heaven and earth are silent.

Now I have the supreme bloodline. Devouring these emperor meteorite beads should not take much time. ’

‘I need to break through to the Heavenly Saint as soon as possible, the next step. It is to swallow the emperor qi and impact the emperor realm…’

As Leon closed his eyes and meditated.

Heaven and earth have also become extremely quiet.

Only wisps of golden fairy qi are constantly circulating…


The deepest part of the Emperor’s Tomb!

Before the emperor’s coffin!

Rivers of blood, the people of several other ancient holy clans, horizontal and vertical. All fell before the emperor’s coffin.

One head at a time, rolling down everywhere!

Among them, there are several Ancient Saint Clan Taishang Elders!

Queen Wang!

Rivers of blood!


Those who died, above the expressions. Without the slightest pain.

Without exception.

Above everyone’s expressions. It’s all condensed with deep greed.



Because, in front of them. It’s a touch of imperial qi!

Emperor Qi, representing a Heavenly Emperor powerhouse, has gathered all his life’s cultivation here.

Swallow emperor gas!

The Heavenly Saint can directly break through to the Emperor Realm and become the only new emperor for thousands of years!

Soar to the Void Immortal Realm!

Who can remain calm before this temptation.


Before the emperor’s coffin, after a bloody battle. Only the Night Clan and the Lu Clan are left!

Those princes and daughters of the other ancient saint clans, except for the Lu family, who were friendly with the Night Clan. All were slaughtered by the night light, and no one was left!

The night of the moment. Like a witch, her expression was distorted with Senran’s chill and greed. Step by step, walk towards the emperor’s coffin.

Damn it!

The emperor’s coffin is open!

Inside it. Only a golden breath is constantly circulating.

“Is this Emperor Qi?”

Ye Xi walked to the emperor’s coffin and picked up the emperor qi.

At this time. An elder also came up a few steps and said, “Your Royal Highness.” Lee Ang Keqing disappeared, we searched for him for a long time, but we did not find him. ”

“Or not… Are you looking for it yourself? ”

Ye Xi carefully placed the imperial qi in his ring, his expression indifferent.

“In this ancient tomb, there are many dangers. Since he disappeared, it is estimated that he is fierce and lucky. ”

“Leave him to fend for himself. Follow me back to the tribe and receive Reiki empowerment. Next I want to break through the Emperor Realm. ”

“Preparing to soar to the Void Immortal Realm.”

They had been in the Emperor’s Tomb for several months.

Now that the gate of the immortal world is about to open, all the thoughts of the night light. Naturally, everything is placed on the breakthrough.

Originally, she invited Li Ang to come, but she planned to have one more helper. Now the emperor has gained qi.

A Li Ang’s life and death, she originally did not put it in her eyes. How could he waste her precious time in order to find Leon?


Night Light finished speaking!

It is no longer the slightest hesitation and directly turns into a stream of light.

Completely left the Emperor’s Tomb!


Just a week after Yexi and the others left.

Deep in the Emperor’s Tomb.

Next to an old tree.

A figure in a green shirt finally slowly opened his eyes.


‘Finally broke through to the Heavenly Saint…’

This figure.

Naturally, it was Leon.

At this moment, Li Ang is also clenching his fist. I felt the extremely turbulent power in my body.

Li Ang slowly got up.

‘Now it has broken through to the Heavenly Saint. The next step is to swallow imperial qi. ’

‘After all, this is the Ancient Saint Realm, if I directly attack the Emperor Realm. I’m afraid I will be discovered by several other ancient holy clans and disturb my practice. ’

Leon thought for a moment, and then.

As soon as the body moves, it directly turns into a stream of light. Fly away from the Emperor’s Tomb.

Along the way.

It can be seen that the ground is bloody and full of corpses.

‘This night, it’s ruthless. ’

‘These princes and daughters of the ancient saint clans are estimated to have died at her hands…’

Half a day later.

Li Ang left the Emperor’s Tomb and flew directly out of the Ancient Saint Realm.

Came to the border of Zhongzhou, and then.

Directly find a desert island and land slowly.

“Good. There is no one here. No one should notice me. ”

“This is it.”

After deciding on the location.

Li Ang sat directly in the void and waved his fingers.

That touch of imperial qi directly emerged.

The emperor is angry.

Heaven and earth change!

The sea surface is constantly evaporating and boiling.


Leon opened his mouth and took a sip.

Swallow that emperor directly into your mouth!


Right in that moment.

His body. They all trembled violently.


Just for a moment, thousands of miles of sea around.

The original blue water was directly transformed into a sea of gold.



Then, above the sea, there were thousands of golden pillars of light that were extremely huge. Gather around Leon.

Around him, thousands of miles are deserted.

Seawater, monsters, space.

Stop them all.

It’s like time has paused.

Leon at the moment.

All over the body, I saw that the countless golden qi continued to rise, gathering around it.


It turned out to be like a golden egg. Floating in mid-air.

It’s like flying straight for nine days. Become like the sun!

Only Li Ang, in the package of thousands of golden gases.

In silence.

There are also thousands of changes.

Just like being reborn, the law is born…

Time passes, day by day.

One day.

Ten days.

Fifty days.

Two months later, sometime.

Li Ang was still in the countless imperial qi packages, and only occasionally opened his eyes.

See thousands of miles from afar.

Today’s Li Ang has already broken through the limit of the Holy Realm.

One step away from the Emperor Realm.

In his divine consciousness. The gate of the fairy world has finally come completely.

Open slowly.

A man and a woman stepped out.

The pace is slow. But it pierced through the void in one step, directly out of thousands of miles, and under its feet, the space was shattered by the sound.

Two figures, dressed in white robes.

Hold a staff.

Just like the gods descending.

Among them, the man is an old man, with white hair and flowing bones.

And the woman next to him.

It is even more ethereal, as if it exists in the illusory and unpredictable. Looking at it directly, the soul trembled slightly, and such a heaven and earth temperament was definitely not a person from the Tianxuan Continent.

There were multicolored ripples around the woman’s body. It was as if there were stars flowing behind him.

‘Female Heavenly Emperor? This woman’s cultivation is far beyond the Night Ancient Emperor! ’

‘This… It was the Young Thunder Emperor. said…’

‘Lead the fairy? ’

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